Workshop: Demystifying the Art of Writing Effective Research Funding Project on 22nd September 2020

Chitkara University presents a workshop on Demystifying the Art of Writing Effective Research Funding Project on 22nd September 2020.
The concept of the workshop is designed such that whether participants are in the midst of a Master’s or PhD fellowship application or Full Time Research Faculty and want feedback or they want to explore about writing proposals, this workshop provides an effective approach to the process. The workshop will start with ways to search for an open call for funding and keyword alignment of the project proposal with the funding call by taking participants through mock exercise. The participants will explore the flavour of writing good research projects and understanding the do’s and don’ts of effective proposal writing.
Through a combination of exercises and discussions on a sample funding project, participants will gain first-hand experience in the grant writing and grant making process.

Art of writing research proposal

Research Proposal