Dr. Rahul Pandey of Chitkara University Electrifies IIITDM Jabalpur with a Talk on Tandem Solar Cells and Advanced Research

Punjab – 02/02/2024 – Dr. Rahul Pandey, a solar energy expert from Chitkara University, captivated the audience with his talk on “Tandem Solar Cell: Future of Solar Photovoltaic” during the 5-day FDP program on Advanced Semiconductor Devices at IIITDM Jabalpur.

Dr. Pandey explored the immense potential of tandem solar cells, highlighting their ability to surpass traditional silicon limitations and achieve higher energy conversion efficiencies. He went beyond, sharing valuable insights into recent research on advanced process simulation tools, emphasizing their scientific contribution to developing high-efficiency perovskite-silicon tandem cells.

This in-depth exploration sparked enthusiastic discussions and questions, leaving participants eager to learn more about the future of solar energy shaped by advancements like tandem technology and advanced research tools.

About Dr. Rahul Pandey:

Dr. Rahul Pandey, Assistant Professor (Research) at Chitkara University, actively contributes to the VLSI Centre of Excellence. His research delves into designing and simulating solar cells, encompassing perovskite, tandem, and advanced FET devices.

Chitkara University

Rahul Pandey

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