Chitkara University Punjab, India & Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Spur Research Collaboration Talks

On January 10, 2024, Chitkara University in Punjab, India, and Universitas Airlangga (UnAir) in Indonesia embarked on a promising virtual meeting, laying the foundation for collaborative research. The engaging dialogue between Chitkara University’s Research Initiatives (RCI) team and UnAir’s International Office, along with their Research Team, marked the initiation of potential joint ventures that could significantly advance knowledge.


The discussions were marked by enthusiasm as both institutions explored various avenues for collaboration, including joint research projects, as well as collaborative workshops and seminars. Dr. Gurjeet (Dean Chitkara College of Pharmacy) and Dr. Pandey (in charge of Research Partnerships) from Chitkara University expressed their excitement, stating, “We’re thrilled to initiate this dialogue with UnAir, a renowned institute with a strong research focus. We believe this collaboration will open doors to groundbreaking research initiatives and foster academic exchange for our students and faculty.”


Dr. Tofan Agung Eka Prasetya, UnAir’s Director of Research, echoed this belief, emphasizing the immense potential for collaborative endeavors in joint research projects, faculty, and collaborative workshops and seminars. The meeting successfully identified areas of mutual interest, allowing both teams to showcase their expertise and recognize opportunities for synergy in impactful research.


To further solidify their collaboration, some dedicated working groups will be formed to delve into specific research themes, develop joint project proposals, and facilitate the exchange of faculty and students. This strategic step towards official collaboration holds the promise of benefiting both institutions and their respective communities, nurturing academic excellence, and fostering groundbreaking research initiatives.

Chitkara University
Archana Mantri

Gurjeet Thakur
Amit Mittal (PhD)
Rahul Pandey
Namita Sharma
Universitas Airlangga

ChitkaraUniversity RCI UniversitasAirlangga ResearchCollaboration InternationalPartnership