Chitkara University Punjab, India & Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia Spark Research Collaboration Talks

In a promising virtual meeting, researchers from Chitkara University in India and Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) in Indonesia laid the groundwork for exciting joint research ventures and academic exchange. This initial dialogue holds the potential to unlock new frontiers in knowledge production and cross-cultural understanding.
Chitkara University’s Research Initiatives (RCI) team engaged in fruitful discussions with UM’s International Office team. Both sides enthusiastically explored potential areas of collaboration, including joint research projects, faculty exchange programs, student exchange opportunities, and collaborative workshops and seminars.
“We’re thrilled to initiate this dialogue with UM, a renowned institution with a strong research focus,” said Dr. Amit Mittal (PhD) and Dr. Rahul Pandey. “We believe this collaboration will open doors to groundbreaking research initiatives and foster academic exchange for our students and faculty.”
UM’s Director of International Affairs, Ms. Evi Eliyanah, echoed this sentiment, stating, “This partnership holds immense potential for joint research projects, faculty, and student exchange programs, and ultimately, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in various fields.”
The meeting identified promising areas of mutual interest and both teams showcased their expertise and highlighted areas where their strengths could synergize for impactful research.
A dedicated working group will be established to delve deeper into specific research themes, develop joint project proposals, and facilitate the exchange of faculty and students. This concrete step towards an official collaboration promises to benefit both institutions and their communities, fostering academic excellence and groundbreaking research initiatives.
Chitkara University
Archana Mantri
Amit Mittal (PhD)
Rahul Pandey
Namita Sharma
Universitas Negeri Malang

ChitkaraUniversity RCI UniversitasNegeriMalang ResearchCollaboration InternationalPartnership