Dr. Harjeet Singh
Assistant Professor


Expert Areas : Machine Learning, Statistical Methods, NLP, Image Classification

Dr.Harjeet Singh received PhD degree in Computer Science & Engineering from Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (TIET), Patiala, (PB) India in 2019 and Master’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Punjabi University Campus, Patiala, (PB) India in 2008. He has worked on a research project, entitled “Development of Online Handwritten Recognition System for Indian Languages (OHWR)”, funded by MOCIT, Government of India, New Delhi, as Project Associate, from January 2012 to May 2016.

Presently, he is working as Assistant Professor-Research in CURIN (Chitkara University Research Innovation Network) department, Chitkara University, Rajpura, (PB) India. His research interests include Handwriting Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning and Statistical Methods.

  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Patents
  • Education
  • Service


  1. Sharma, R.K., Budhouliya, R., Singh, H., “Recognition of Online Handwritten Gurmukhi Strokes using Convolutional Neural Networks” In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence –ICAART 2020, Volume 2, 578-586, Valletta, Malta.
  2. Singh H., Sharma R.K., Kumar R., Verma K., Kumar R., Kumar M. “A Benchmark Dataset of Online Handwritten Gurmukhi Script Words and Numerals”, In International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing 2019 Sep 27, pp. 457-466, Springer, Singapore.
  3. Kumar, M., Sharma, R.K., Jindal, M.K., Jindal, S.R. and Singh, H., 2018, December. “Benchmark Datasets for Offline Handwritten Gurmukhi Script Recognition”, In Workshop on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2018,pp. 143-151, Springer, Singapore.
  4. Singh, H., Sharma, R.K. and Singh, V.P. “Efficient zone identification approach for the recognition of online handwritten Gurmukhi script”, Neural Comput&Applic. 31(8): 3957-3968, August 2019. (SCI, Impact factor: 4.213)
  5. Singh, H., Sharma, R.K. and Singh V.P., “Recognition of online unconstrained handwritten Gurmukhi characters based on Finite State Automata”, Sādhanā (Springer), 43(11): 192, November 2018. (SCI, Impact factor: 0.592)
  6. Dahake, D., Sharma, R.K, and Singh H. On segmentation of words from online handwritten Gurmukhi sentences. In Man and Machine Interfacing (MAMI), 2017 2nd International Conference on 2017 Dec 21, pp. 1-6, IEEE.
  7. Sharma, R.K., Sharma, P., Sharma, N., Singh, H., Verma, K., Kumar, R., Kumar, R., “Development of OHWR System for Gurmukhi”, Vishwa Bharat TDIL, 39 & 40,55-66, 2013.