Dr. Sudesh Kumar Mittal


Expert Areas : Artificial Intelligence, Neural Network & Data Mining, Digital Image Processing, Cryptography

After completing my M.Tech in Computer Sc. & Engg from IIT, Roorkee (formerly as University of Roorkee, Roorkee)  in the year 1982, I joined CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh in August 1982 and served till 31st January 2017.  In CSIR-CSIO I served on various positions starting from Scientist to Chief Scientist and worked on various projects sponsored by DRDO, DST, Ministry of Railway, IMD, DOE, CWC etc. After completing appx. thirty-five (35) years of service in CSIR-CSIO and I have seen close interactions between R&D & manpower.

As I grew in the organization, I have been realizing the increasing diversity of manpower and multi-disciplinary fusion of science &technology. All the instruments/systems developed in the capacity of project leader, are being used by sponsoring departments as per their application.

The research work carried out has been published in Journals, patented & Know-How transferred to Industries also and being used by the user’s department. From July 2017 to November 2019, I served in Rayat Bahra University Mohali as a Professor in Computer Sc& Engineering and Dean R&D.

  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Consulting
  • Awards
  • Patents
  • Education
  • Service


  1.  Sudesh Kumar Mittal, “Slope stability analysis and instruments based early warning system in Jhakri landslide, Himachal Pradesh”, published in The DST’s Initiatives, ISBN: 978-93-85516-93-1


  1. Satish Kumar Sogi, S. K. Mittal “A Comprehensive 7M  IoT Model- A lifecycle shift paradigm” , International Journal of Advanced technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE), on line in November 2021, https:://www.accentsJournals.org/PaperDirectory/Journal/IJATEE/2021/11/11.pdf.
  2. Satish Kumar Sogi, S. K. Mittal, “A Comprehensive Review and Analysis for forecasting Industrial Data “, Second International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communications May 21-23, 2021,https://www.nitj.ac.in/icsccc2021/,IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2021, pp. 155–159, 9478082.
  3. Anjali Azad, Arvind K. Sharna, Savita Wadhawan, Sudesh Mittal, “Computerized Health Care Systems: Optimistic Digitalization in Radiotherapy”,  2nd International Conference on Iot, Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud in Computational Vision and Bio-Engineering (Ismac – Cvb 2020), Publisher: Elsevier-Ssrn Digital Library, Year: 2020, Page No: 84-89, Link: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3734096
  4. Arvind K. Sharma and Sudesh K. Mittal (2020), “Cryptographic Keyed Hash Function: Paraśu-256”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (JCTN), Vol. 17, No. 11, 2020. ISSN: 1546-1955 (Print): EISSN: 1546-1963 (Online). {Indexing: SCOPUS, since 2004-2020, SJR 2019: 0.17}
  5. Arvind K. Sharma and S.K. Mittal (2020), “Cryptographic Merkle Damgard Hash Construction: MD5 Vulnerabilities”, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience (JCTN), Vol. 17, No. 06, 2020. ISSN: 1546-1955 (Print): EISSN: 1546-1963 (Online). {Indexing: SCOPUS, since 2004-2020, SJR 2019: 0.17}
  6. Ridhi Jindal, S.K. Mittal, “A Novel Approach of Software Modules Reusability with Aging Classification by Object-Oriented Metrics with Deep Learning using Random Forest Approach”  published in Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, Special Issue-06, 2020 Received: Mar 20, 2020, Accepted: June 22, 2020 Journal link: https://www.jardcs.org/Link to the Published paper: https://www.jardcs.org/abstract.php?id=5020Scopus Indexing link:https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/20500195215 Scimagojr link with H index 17: https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=20500195215&tip=sid&clean=0
  7. Ridhi Jindal, S.K. Mittal, ”Software Reusability Metrics Estimation for Improving Stability by Clustering base Convolution Neural network”, Materials Today: Proceedings
    (link to Paper), Accepted in Oct, 2020, In press.
  8. Sudesh Kumar Mittal, Deepam Goyal, Amit Chauhan, Rajeev Kumar Dang, “Graphene Nanoparticles: The Super Material of Future”, published in Material today proceeding (Elsevier)  Vol 28, PP1290-1294, 2020.
  9. Satish Kumar Sogi, Sudesh Kumar Mittal, “A Time Series Forecasting Model for Equipment Failure Prediction Using Iot Sensor Data”, Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal (Adv.Math., Sci. J.) Special issue on “Recent Developments in Engineering, Sciences Technologies and Management-2020”, RDESTM-2020, https://research-publication.com/https://research-publication.com/?page_id=9,https://research-publication.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/vol-9-n7/AMSJ-2020-N7-21.pdf,, ISSN:1857-8365E-ISSN:1857-8438. (20YY), no.Y, 1–11,ISSN: 1857-8365 (printed); 1857-8438 (electronic) https://doi.org/10.37418/amsj.X.Y.Z
  10. Manish Sharma, Truong Khang Nguyen, Shobhit K. Patel,  Sudesh Kumar Mittal, M. ThuraiPandian, “Design, Analysis and Characterization of Four Port Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output UWB-X Band Antenna with Band Rejection ability for Wireless Network Applications”,  Wireless Networks (SPRINGER). 2020. IF: 2.405, H Index: 82, ISSN: 1022-0038.
  11. Deepam Goyal,  Sudesh Kumar Mittal, Anurag Choudhary, Rajeev Kumar Dang, “Graphene: A two dimensional super material for sensor applications” published in Materials today: Proceedings (Elsevier) 2020, 43, pp. 203–208.
  12. Manish Sharma, Sudesh Kumar Mittal, “A 4×4 Fractal Flower Shaped Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Antenna with Mitigation of Dual Interfering Bands Exhibiting High Diversity Performance for High-Speed Wideband Wireless Applications” author by have been  communicated  this paper to Wireless Personal Communications in July 2020.
  13. Manish Sharma, Prem Chand Vashist, Pankaj S Asthankar, Sudesh Kumar Mittal, “Compact 2*2/4*4 tapered microstrip feed MIMO antenna configuration for high-speed wireless application with Band Stop filter” in International journal of RF and Microwave Computer Aided Engineering, Volume 31, issue 1, first published 21 November 2020, issue online 01 December 2020 (Wiley online library), http://doi.org/10.1002/mmce.22500,IF 1.528.
  14. Kiranpreet Kaur, S.K. Mittal, “Classification of mammography image with CNN-RNN based semantic features and extra tree classifier approach using LSTM”, Materials Today: Proceedings (Elsevier Journal ) with IF 1.8 on line ISSN:2214-785 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.09.619, Accepted in September, 2020.
  15. Kiranpreet Kaur, S.K. Mittal, “Improved Methodology for Mammography Images Classification by Convolution and Pooling Layers with SVM Kernel base Classifier” published in Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 04-Special Issue, 2020, DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP4/20201478 ISSN 1943-023X 163,Received: 10 Feb 2020/Accepted: 06 Mar 2020. https://www.jardcs.org/abstract.php?id=3251.
  16. Arvind K. Sharma and Dr. S.K. Mittal (2019), “Cryptography & Network Security Hash Function Applications, Attacks and Advances: A Review”, IEEE, 3rd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2019), 10-11 January, 2019. Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5386-3950-4, Print on Demand (PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5386-3951-1.
  17. Ridhi Jindal and S.K. Mittal, “Speculation of Software Reusability Estimation using CK (Chidamber and Kemerer) Metrics”   International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-9 Issue-2 in December 2019.
  18. Kiranpreet Kaur and S.K.  Mittal, “Scrutiny of breast Cancer Detection Techniques of Deep Learning and Machine Learning “   International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering ™   ISSN:2277-3878 RegdNo.C/819981 September 2019.
  19. Arvind Sharma, Avinash Sharma, Aditya Saini, Paluck Arora and S.K. Mittal,  “ DNS Aegis, Authentication with Digital Signature using Hash Functions and Various Attacks:KARKOFF” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) November 2019.
  20. S.K. Samantray, S.K. Mittal, P. Mahapatraand  Sanjeev Kumar, “Assessing the flexion behavior of bolted rail joints using finite element analysis”  ELSEVIER, Engineering Failure Analysis 104(2019)1002-1013.
  21. Arvind K. Sharma and S.K. Mittal, “Cryptography & Network Security Hash function Applications, Attacks and Advances: A Review”, Proceeding of third International Conference on Innovative Systems and Control (ICISC2019) September 2019.
  22. Arvind K. Sharma, S.K. Mittal and Sumeet Mittal, ”Attacks on Cryptographic Hash functions and Advances”, International Journal of Information and Computing Science, Volume 5, Issue 11, November 2018, ISSN No:0972-1347.
  23. Amardeep Siingh Virk, Amanpreet Singh and  S.K. Mittal, “Advanced MT-InSAR Landslide Monitoring; Methods and Trends”, Journal of Engineering Science & Management Education .
  24. Shveta Mahajan, Anu Rani, Mamta Sharma, Sudesh Kumar Mittal & Amitava Das, “A pre-processing based optimized edge weighting method for colour constancy”    (2018), The Imaging Science Journal, 66:4, 231-238, DOI: 10.1080/13682199.2017.1412889.
  25. S.K. Mittal,“Slope stability analysis& Instruments base early warning system, Jhakri Landslides Himachal Pradesh”   book chapter ,Page number 261 to 274  published in book “Landslide Research: The DST’s Initiative”  in the year 2017 published by New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi (India).
  26. Arvind K. Sharma and S.K. Mittal (2018), “Comparative Analysis of Cryptographic Hash Functions”, International Conference on Big Data, Computer Science and Information Technology (ICBDCSIT), Proceedings of 18th IRF International Conference, New Delhi, India, 09th September, 2018.
  27. S.K. Samantaray, S. K. Mittal, S. K.Mahapatra, P., & Kumar S. (2018). An impedance-based structural health monitoring approach for looseness identification in bolted joint structure. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 8(5), 809-822.
  28. Shveta Mahajan, Sudesh Kumar Mittal and  Amitava Das, “ Machine vision based alternative testing approach for physical purity, viability and vigour  testing of Soybean seeds”  Journal of Food Science & Technology , 2018 Oct; 55(10):3949-3959.
  29. Swagat K. Samantaray & S.K. Mittal , Detection of looseness in Bolted fishplate joint Using Electromechanical Impedance Principle. In 47th IETE Mid-Term Symposiumon “Modern information & communication technologies for Digital India”, April 09-10, 2016 at CSIR-CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS ORGANISATION (CSIO), Chandigarh.
  30. S.K. Samantaray, S.K. Mittal, Kumar, S. (2017, March). Electromechanical impedance method for monitoring incipient looseness in jointed structure for railway safety. In Computation of Power, Energy Information and Communication (ICCPEIC), 2017  International Conference on(pp. 805-809). IEEE.
  31. Rahul Malik,  RenuDhir, S.K. Mittal, “Remote Sensing and LandSat Image Enhancement using Particle Swarm Optimization based Local Detail Enhancement”, (Revised paper Submitted with minor changes on 26th Dec 2016 in IET Image processing).
  32. Rahul Malik,  RenuDhir,  S.K. Mittal and  Nishi,  “Satellite Image Dehazing and Denoising using ACO Based Dark Channel Prior And Gradient Optimization Based Fuzzy Filter”,  Current Science, Accepted for publication on 10th November  2016 .
  33. S.K.  Samantaray and S.K. Mittal, “A Smart Sensing Technology for the Condition Monitoring of Railway.” Journal of basic and applied engineering research,ISSN: 2350-0255, Volume 2, No- 5, 2015, pp.372-76.
  34. Supankar Das and  S.K. Mittal, “Characterization of Climate Extremes on Plants and Soil Properties Using Nano-Dynamic  Elastomechanic Response Analysis”   Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change 2015,Vol.6, Issue 5.
  35. Supankar Das, S.K. Mittal, AmitDogra, Deepika Singh, K.K. Dubey, Bikar Singh, and V.D. Shivling, “Intelligent Nano-tech Switch for Advanced Automated plant Growth Regulation”  Journal of Agricultural Engineering Vol. 51(2); April-June 2014, pp60-63.
  36. S.K. Mittal, Manjit Singh and  Bhoop Singh, “Monitoring of Jhakri Landslide in Bari Village area of Himachal Pradesh” Journal of Rock Mechanics &Tunnelling Technology (JRMTT); Vol 19, No. 2 July 2013; PP 129-134.
  37. S.K. Mittal and  Satish Kumar, “Disaster Mitigation through Instrumentation”  Science and Culture, 2012-2013, 78 (9-10) 432-434.
  38. S.K. Mittal, Sunil Dhingra and, H.K. Sardana, “Analysis of Data using Neuro-Fuzzy approach recorded by Instrumentation Network installed at Mansa Devi (Haridwar) Landslide Site” Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (JSIR), New Delhi, Vol 70, January 2011, pp 25-31.
  39. S.K. Mittal,  Manjeet Singh, H.K. Sardana and  Sunil Dhingra,  “Instrumentation Monitoring of Mansa Devi Landslide Site and Interpretation of Data”  Indian Geotechnical journal, Vol 39, No. 3, July 2009 (pp317-327).
  40. S.K. Mittal, Manjeet Singh, H.K. Sardanaand  SunilDhingra, “Realization and Installation of Landslides Instrumentation Network at Mansa Devi (Haridwar) “ Jiunnal of Indian Landslide, Vol. 2 No. 1 May 2009, pp 43-50.
  41. S.K. Mittal, Manjeet Singh and R.K. Garg, “Development of an instrument to measure density and moisture content of Snow” Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (JSIR), Vol. 68, March 2009, pp. 188-191.
  42. S.K. Mittal, Manjeet Singh, R.K. Garg and B.K. Sharma,  “Design and development of Multi Parameter Probe to measure temperature and hardness inside snow microstructure” Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (JSIR), Vol. 67, June 2008, pp 428-431.
  43. S.K. Mittal, Manjeet Singh, ParkhiKapur, B.K. Sharma and M.A. Shamshi, “Design and development of instrumentation for landslide monitoring and issue an early warning” Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (JSIR), Vo1. 67, May 2008, pp 361-365.
  44. Manjeet Singh, S.K. Mittal, M.A. Shamshi and  R.K. Garg, “An Electronic Device for In Situ Determination of Snow Moisture and Density”  Proceedings of International Symposium on Snow Monitoring and Avalanches (ISSMA), 12-16 april 2004, HQ, SASE Manali (HP), India, pp 273-276.
  45. K. Singh, S.K. Mittal, Manjeet  Singh and  B.K.  Sharma,  “ Design of High Power Pump Source of Eye Safe Laser for Geo-Scientific Applications”  Indian Journal of Pure & applied Physics, Vo1 43, July 2005, pp. 517-521.
  46. Parkhi Kapur, S.K. Mittal and  M.A. Shamshi , “Design and Development of Data Acquisition System for Landslide Monitoring using Virtual Instrumentation”  Journal of Instrument Society of India, Vol. 37 No. 3 Sep 2007.
  47. S.K. Mittal, M.A. Shamshi, R.K. Gargand  B.K. Sharma,  “Design & Development of IR technique Based Snow Surface Temperature Measuring Probe”  Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol.66, pp 367-370 in May 2007.
  48. B.K. Sharma, Satish Kumar, S.K. Mittal and  M.A. Shamshi , “Characteristics evolution of Indigenously Designed and Developed Triaxial Force Balance Accelerometer”  Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vo1. 65 July 2006, pp 574-577.
  49. P.K. Singh, S.K. Mittal, Manjeet Singh  and  B.K. Sharma, “Design of high power pump source of eye Safe Laser for Geo Scientific application”  Symposium on Optoelectronics and MEMs Technologies (NCOMT-2004) from April 16-17, 2004 at CSIO, Chandigarh.
  50. Manjeet Singh, S.K. Mittal, M.A. Shamshi and  R.K. Garg,  “An Electronic Device for In Situ Determination of Snow Moisture and Density” Proceedings of International Symposium on “Snow Monitoring and Avalanche” (ISSMA-2004), pp577-584 held from 12-16 April 2004 at SASE Manali (H.P.)
  51. S.K. Mittal, M.A.  Shamshi, B.K. Sharma and R.K. Garg, “Design and Development of Infrared Technique based Snow surface temperature Measurement Probe”  Proceedings of International Symposium on “Snow Monitoring and Avalanche” (ISSMA-2004), pp 519-524, held from 12-16 April 2004 at SASE Manali (H.P.)
  52. B.K. Sharma, Satish Kumar, S.K. Mittaland MA Shamshi,  “Design Improvements in Digital Seismograph for recording Long duration Seismic events and Aftershocks’  Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, CSIR, New Delhi, vol 65, Jan 2006, pp 36-41.
  53. S.K. Mittal, MA Shamshi,  Sandeep Kalra and  B K Sharma, “ An improved Micro-controller based oscillation Monitoring system for the safety of Railway vehicle with high storage capacity & Real  time Warning facility’  Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research ,CSIR, New Delhi, Vol 63, Sept 2004 pp 752-757.
  54. M.A. Shamshi, B.K. Sharma, V.K. Gupta and S.K. Mittal,“ Emerging Trends in LSI/VLSI chip testing”  International conference on Micro-Electronics and photonics, November 5-8 1985, pp 283-293 at CSIO, Chandigarh.
  55. M.A. Shamshi, BK Sharma, RK Sood and  S.K. Mittal, “An automatic Positional Controller” by in Journal of IETE, Vol 4, No.2, Feb 1987.
  56. M.A. Shamshi, B K Sharma and S.K. Mittal,“Microprocessor based Digital Cassette Seismograph”  IETE Technical Review, Journal, New Delhi, and Vol 7 No. I, 1990 pp 66-69.
  57. Sudesh Kumar Mittal, Ashok kumar, ”Seed quality assurance methods, techniques & technologies: A detailed summary”communicated for publication in International journal of cloud computing.
  58. Harjeet  Singh, Sudesh kumar Mittal, An abstract on ”Computer vision based monitoring & analyzing the effect of climate change on landslide stability and glacier retreat” accepted for  presentation in International workshop on Assessment & monitoring of Landslide in Himalayan at Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology Dehradun,  March 13-14 2020.