Dr Ramkumar K.R.


Expert Areas : Cryptography, Cyber & Network Security, Homomorphic Encryption, Quantum safe Cryptography , Risk Assessment Models

Dr. K.R. Ramkumar holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, awarded by Anna University, Chennai, India. With a remarkable 22 years of teaching and 15 years of research experience, his expertise spans various domains, notably Network Security, Cryptography, and Post Quantum
Cryptography. Dr. Ramkumar currently serves as an Professor at Chitkara University, Punjab.

At present, he oversees funded projects from organizations like DRDO and C-DAC, focusing on cryptography and risk assessment models. To achieve this, he leads the implementation of cryptographic algorithms on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for ASIC designs. Additionally, his work extends to Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and the Internet of Things (IoT), where he addresses issues related to routing overhead, key management, cluster management for congestion mitigation, and security enhancements.

Dr. Ramkumar also serves as the head of the Centre of Excellence for the Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence Lab at Chitkara University. Here, his team conducts research in diverse areas, including Bio-Mass energy predictions using deep learning models, Blockchaining, polynomials, interpolations, and Extensible Markup Language (XML) for resolving data integrity and consistency issues in web communications.

His mentorship has resulted in the successful completion of doctoral degrees for 12 Ph.D. scholars under his guidance, while an additional five scholars are currently pursuing their degrees. Furthermore, Dr. Ramkumar has an impressive publication record, with over 70 research articles
featured in esteemed international journals and conferences, boasting strong impact factors. To add to his accolades, he has earned 25 patents in his name.

In his free time, he dedicates himself to analyzing Ayurvedic remedies for chronic illnesses while infusing them with scientific insights.

Additionally, he is the founder of "Hanuven Healthcare Products Private Limited," his own startup that specializes in introducing skincare products derived from herbal compositions and formulations.

  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Consulting
  • Awards
  • Patents
  • Education
  • Service

List of Publications

  1. Payal Kaushal, Meenu Khurana, K. R. Ramkumar(2022),”A Systematic Review of Swarm Intelligence Algorithms to Perform Routing for VANETs Communication”,ECS Transactions , vol.107,no.1, pp.5027—5035
  2. S Singh, KR Ramkumar (2022) ,” Significance of Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict the Growth and Trend of COVID-19 Pandemic” ,ECS Transactions vol.107,no.1,pp. 5449—5457
  3. S Mittal, S Sharma, KR Ramkumar (2022) , “A Matrix-Based Homomorphic Encryption for Preserving Privacy in Clouds”, ECS Transactions, vol.107,no. 1, pp. 5441—5448
  4. Jatin Arora, Ketti Ramchandran Ramkumar, and Pavneet Kaur (2022), “A survey of multi-signature schemes for XML documents” , International Journal of Cloud Computing vol. 11,no.2, pp. 171-186
  5. Chetna Monga, K.R. Ramkumar, Shaily Jain (2022),” Comparative analysis of different polynomial interpolations for implementing key management techniques in MANETs”, International Journal of Cloud Computing, vol.11, no.2, pp. 157-170
  6. A Sandhu, P Singh, A Kaur, KR Ramkumar (2022), “Energy Efficient 1-Bit Comparator Design in Quantum Dot Cellular Automata”, Nveo-Natural Volatiles & Essential Oils Journal| NVEO, vol.8, no.4, pp. 1407-1420
  7. Bhatia, T.K., Ramachandran, R.K., Doss, R. et al. Data congestion in VANETs: research directions and new trends through a bibliometric analysis. J Supercomput vol.77,no.1, pp. 6586–6628
  8. Jagpreet Kaur, K .R. Ramkumar (2021), “The recent trends in cyber security: A review, Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences, 1-16
  9. Singh, Amrik and Ramkumar, K.R. ‘Risk Assessment for Health Insurance Using Equation Modelling and Machine Learning’. 2021, IOP press, pp. 201 – 225
  10. Keshav Kumar, K.R. Ramkumar, Amanpreet Kaur, “A lightweight AES algorithm implementation for encrypting voice messages using field programmable gate arrays” ,Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences,2020,pp.1-8
  11. Amrik Singh, K. R. Ramkumar, 2019, “Evaluation of SVM Kernels for Health Risks Assessment”,Helix The Scientific Explorer ,Vol.9.No.3,pp.
  12. Abdul Wahid Mir , Ramkumar Ketti Ramachandran, 2019 “Security gaps assessment of smart grid based SCADA systems”, Information and Computer Security, Vol. 27 No. 3, pp. 434-452 [ESCI , H-Index 41]
  13. A.W. Mir , K. R. Ramkumar, 2019 “A Survey on Security Challenges and Research Opportunities in Smart Grid based SCADA Systems” , International Journal of  Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7 No, pp. 689-706
  14. S Agnihotri, KR Ramkumar ,2017,’ A survey and comparative analysis of the various routing protocols of Internet of things’ , International journal of pervasive computing and communications , vol.13, no.3.pp. 264-281, [Scopus,H-Index 14]
  15. Ishu Sharma , Ramkumar KR , 2017,’ A survey on ACO based multipath routing algorithms for ad hoc networks’, International journal of pervasive computing and communications vol.13, no.4, pp.370-385  [Scopus,H-Index 14]
  16. Raman Singh , Ramkumar K.R ,2017, ‘Internet Attacks and Intrusion Detection System: a review of the literature’, Online Information Review, accepted for publication , H-Index 37 , Vol. 41.No.2.pp. 171-184. Impact Factor 1.1.5 , [SCI]
  17. Ramkumar KR & Raman Singh ,2016,’ Key Management using Chebyshev polynomials ‘,China Communications,Vol.14.No.11., H-Index 15,Impact Factor 0.333 [SCIE]
  18. Ramkumar, KR & Ravichandran, CS 2012, ‘An Analog Based Routing Algorithm for MANETs using Ant Agents’, Science Direct Journal[Elsevier], Procedia Engineering, vol. 38, pp. 3139-3151. [SCI]
  19. Ramkumar, KR & Ravichandran, CS 2015, ‘Key Management using Newton’s Interpolation Method for MANET’, International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science Technology, vol.2, no.3, pp. 1-10.
  20. Ramkumar, KR & Ravichandran, CS 2014, ‘A Novel node failure Management for Mobile Ad hoc networks using ant agents’, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 6, no. 1,pp. 306-314. [Scopus , H-Index 13]
  21. Ramkumar, KR & Ravichandran, CS 2014, ‘ASRAAM : A Secured Routing Algorithm Using Ant Agents For Mobile Adhoc Networks’, International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science, vol.2, no.6, pp.1-6.
  22. Ramkumar, KR & Ravichandran, CS 2011, ‘ACBRAAM: A Content Based Routing algorithm using ant agents for MANETs’, ‘BVICAM International Journal of Information Technology (BIJIT)’ vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 6-10.

List of Conference Papers

  1. Sonam Mittal, K.R.Ramkumar(2022),” Understanding integer-based fully homomorphic encryption”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2357, 120005
  2. Kumar, A. Kaur, K. R. Ramkumar, A. Shrivastava, V. Moyal and Y. Kumar, “A Design of Power-Efficient AES Algorithm on Artix-7 FPGA for Green Communication,” 2021 International Conference on Technological Advancements and Innovations (ICTAI), 2021, pp. 561-564
  3. T. K. Bhatia, R. Ketti Ramachandran, R. Doss and L. Pan, “A review of simulators used for VANETs: The case-study of vehicular mobility generators,” 2020 7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2020, pp. 234-239
  4. Shagun Sharma, Partha Khanra, K R Ramkumar,”Performance Analysis of Biomass Energy using Machine and Deep Learning Approaches”, Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2089 012003
  5. S. Mittal, K. R. Ramkumar and A. Kaur, “Preserving Privacy in Clouds using Fully Homomorphic Encryption,” 2021 International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking (SMART GENCON), 2021, pp. 1-7
  6. V. Gandhi, K. R. Ramkumar, A. Kaur, P. Kaushal, J. K. Chahal and J. Singh, “Security and privacy in IoT, Cloud and Augmented Reality,” 2021 6th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC), 2021, pp. 131-135
  7. S. Singh, K. R. Ramkumar and A. Kukkar, “Machine Learning Techniques and Implementation of Different ML Algorithms,” 2021 2nd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT), 2021, pp. 1-6
  8. S. Mittal, P. Kaur and K. R. Ramkumar, “Achieving Privacy and Security Using QR-Code through Homomorphic Encryption and Steganography,” 2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2021, pp. 1-6
  9. S. Mittal and K. R. Ramkumar, “Different Communication Technologies and Challenges for implementing Under Water Sensor Network,” 2021 12th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2021, pp. 01-16
  10. S. Mittal, P. Jindal and K. R. Ramkumar, “Data Privacy and System Security for Banking on Clouds using Homomorphic Encryption,” 2021 2nd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), 2021, pp. 1-6
  11. Arora, J., Ramkumar, K.R. (2021). Analysis of XML Data Integrity Using Multiple Digest Schemes. In: Kaiser, M.S., Xie, J., Rathore, V.S. (eds) Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS 2020). Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 190. Springer, Singapore
  12. J Arora, KR Ramkumar (2021), “Difference computation using change identification techniques for structured web documents”,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering vol.1022, no.1, 012054
  13. Mittal, Sonam and Ramkumar, K.R. ‘Research Perspectives on Fully Homomorphic Encryption Models for Cloud Sector’. 2021, IOP press, 135 – 160.
  14. S. Choudhary and K. R. Ramkumar, “A Detailed Analysis of Artificial Intelligence Support to Measure Negative Impacts Created by the Abnormal Growth of Prosopis Juliflora: A Review,” 2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS), 2020, pp. 665-671
  15. V. Bhatia and K. R. Ramkumar, “An Efficient Quantum Computing technique for cracking RSA using Shor’s Algorithm,” 2020 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computing Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2020, pp. 89-94
  16. K. Bhatia, R. K. Ramachandran, R. Doss and L. Pan, “A Comprehensive Review on the Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks,” 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2020, pp. 515-520
  17. Bhatia, R. K. Ramachandran, R. Doss and L. Pan, “Detection and Control of Data Congestion in Vehicular Broadcast Networks,” 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2020, pp. 1044-1049
  18. K. Bhatia, R. K. Ramachandran, R. Doss and L. Pan, “A Survey on Controlling the Congestion in Vehicleto-Vehicle Communication,” 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2020, pp. 573-578
  19. K. Kumar, K. R. Ramkumar and A. Kaur, “A Design Implementation and Comparative Analysis of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Algorithm on FPGA,” 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2020, pp. 182-185
  20. V. Bhatia, S. Choudhary and K. R. Ramkumar, “A Comparative Study on Various Intrusion Detection Techniques Using Machine Learning and Neural Network,” 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2020, pp. 232-236
  21. K. Kumar, K. R. Ramkumar, A. Kaur and S. Choudhary, “A Survey on Hardware Implementation of Cryptographic Algorithms Using Field Programmable Gate Array,” 2020 IEEE 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT), 2020, pp. 189-194
  22. Chetna, K. R. Ramkumar and S. Jain, “Performance Comparison of Spline Curves and Chebyshev Polynomials for Managing Keys in MANETs,” 2020 7th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), 2020, pp. 64-67
  23. K. Bhatia, R. Ketti Ramachandran, R. Doss and L. Pan, “A review of simulators used for VANETs: The case-study of vehicular mobility generators,” 2020 7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN), 2020, pp. 234-239
  24. K. Aulakh and R. K. Ramachandran, “A Detailed Survey of Fully Homomorphic Encryption Standards to Preserve Privacy over Cloud Communications,” 2020 Indo – Taiwan 2nd International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Networks (Indo-Taiwan ICAN), 2020, pp. 207-211
  25. K. R. Ramkumar and M. Juneja, “Multi Signature Authentication and Key Management System to Ensure Reliable Paths for Payload Delivery,” 2020 Indo – Taiwan 2nd International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Networks (Indo-Taiwan ICAN), 2020, pp. 194-201
  26. I. Sharma and K. R. Ramkumar, “Routing Methods for Wireless Networks Using MIMO Support: A Survey and Future Scope,” 2020 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence), 2020, pp. 469-473
  27. Agnihotri, S., Ramkumar, K.R. (2020). Content Based Routing Algorithm to Improve QoS in IoMT Networks. In: Saha, A., Kar, N., Deb, S. (eds) Advances in Computational Intelligence, Security and Internet of Things. ICCISIoT 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1192. Springer, Singapore.
  28. Shabnam Choudhary, Vaishali Bhatia, K.R. Ramkumar,2020,” IoT based navigation system for visually impaired people”. Proceedings of IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies, and Optimization, Amity University , India
  29. Vaishali Bhatia, Shabnam Choudhary, K.R. Ramkumar, “A Comparative study on various Intrusion Detection Techniques using Machine learning and Neural Network”, Proceedings of IEEE 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies, and Optimization (ICRITO’2020)
  30. Ramkumar K.R., Mishita, 2020 ,”Multi signature authentication and Key Management system to ensure reliable paths for payload delivery”, Proceedings of ICAN 2020 , Chitkara University , India.
  31. Chetna, K.R.Ramkumar, Shaily Jain, 2019 ,” Survey on polynomial Interpolation methods and their usage for implementing key management schemes for MANETs”, Proceedings of First International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Computational Intelligence,  ICTSCI, March 29-30’
  32. Chetna, K.R.Ramkumar, Shaily Jain ,2019 , “Comparative Analysis of Polynomial Interpolation for implementing Key Management in MANETs”, Published in CUDC’19, Chitkara and accepted in  International journal of Cloud computing
  33. Neha Sharma, Ramkumar K.R. ,2019 ,”Security challenges for Water Distribution System Using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)” , Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Image Information Processing , November    15 – 17 , 2019
  34. I. Sharma , K. R. Ramkumar, 2019,”Analysis of MANET Payload Delivery Behaviour with Parallel Routingthrough MIMO,” 2019 4th International Conference on Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoT-SIU), Ghaziabad, India, 2019, pp. 1-4.
  35. Shailja Agnihotri, Ramkumar K. R.,2019 , “An Enhanced Routing Algorithm for Internet of Things that Resolves Heterogeneity Issues” Proceedings of the 13th INDIACom; INDIACom-2019 , 6th International Conference on “Computing for Sustainable Global Development”, 13th- 15th March, 2019
  36. Ramkumar KR, Amanpreet kaur, 2017 ,’ A Novel Distributed Key Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using Curve fitting -Least squares’, Proceedings of 4th International conference on Signal processing ,Computing and Control (ISPCC2k17), pp. 258 – 263.
  37. Ramkumar KR ,Karanjeet and Gaurav Goel, 2017, ‘A detailed analysis of data consistency concepts in data exchange formats (JSON & XML)’, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA),pp.72-77.
  38. Ramkumar, KR & Ravichandran, CS 2013, ‘APRAAM A Parallel Routing Algorithm using Ant Agents for MANETs’, Proceedings of the Fourth International IET International Conference on Sustainable energy and Intelligent System, vol.1, no.1, pp.313-318.
  39. Ramkumar, KR & Ravichandran, CS 2011, ‘APRAAM A Predictive Routing Algorithm using Ant Agents for MANETs’, Proceedings of the ICHCC, Springer Verlag, Berlin, pp. 245- 252.
  40. Ramkumar KR & Nisha N 2009 , ‘AR RAAM: A Reliable Routing Algorithm Using Ant Agents For MANETs” Proceedings Of The International Conference On Future Computer And Communication (FCC 2009) In Wuhan, China On 6-7 June 2009 Indexed By Springer And ISTP.