Dr Mansi Chitkara


Expert Areas : Nanoscience and Technology, Nano-ferrite Materials, Nano-Magnetic Material

Dr Mansi Chitkara obtained her PhD (Mechanical Engineering) from Punjab Technical University and the title of her PhD thesis was “Synthesis and Characterization of semiconductor nanomaterials.” She did her Master of Engineering in Industrial Materials & Metallurgy from Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh. She is an avid researcher. Her core research areas include Nano-materials, Nano-Herbal materials synthesis and characterization for Pharmaceutical and Medical applications. She has published more than 45 research papers in reputed International Journals, International/National Conferences.

She has successfully guided 1 PhD and is currently guiding 3 Ph.D. scholars in the field of Nanoscience and Technology. It is her constant endeavour to ensure that the students she mentors achieve their goals, and further her past time is spent in nurturing her children and being a perfect role model to them. She loves to travel and explore dance and be happy always.

  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Consulting
  • Patents
  • Education
  • Service

Books Published:

  1. Magnetic Behaviour of Pure and Nickel Doped Barium Nanohexaferrites, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.

International Book Chapters:

  1. Application to radiography and thermography for inspection”, Wiley edited book titled “Machine Vision Inspection Systems: Machine Learning- Based Approaches, Volume 2”. (Accepted for Publication)
  2. Nanobiomaterials: Applications in Biomedicine and Biotechnology, The CRC Concise Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, http://www.tandfonline.com/ doi/full/ 10.1080/ 17458080.2015.1025302.
  3. Biocompatible Nanoparticle Labeling of Stem Cells and Their Distribution in Brain, Methods Mol Biol. Springer 2012;879:531-7. doi: 10.1007/978-1-61779-815-3_33.

Conferences Papers:

  1. Gulshan Dhillon, Naveen Kumar, Mansi Chitkara, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu “Nanotechnology in Thermal Imaging”, presentation in National Conference on Advances in Applied Sciences and Mathematics (NCASM-20), Chitkara University, Punjab, Sept. 2020.
  2. Gulshan Dhillon, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Mansi Chitkara “Effect of Gd3+ Substitution and Processing Temperature on the Magnetic Properties of BiFeO3”, presentation in 3rd International Conference on Condensed Matter & Applied Physics (ICC-2019), Bikaner, Rajasthan, Oct. 2019.
  3. Gulshan Dhillon, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Mansi Chitkara and Purnima Gasso, “Effect of Magnesium and Manganese Doping on Crystallite Size of Pure Magnetite Nanoparticles” National Conference on Liquid Crystals, Oct 2019.
  4. Mansi Chitkara, Rajnit Kohli, I.S. Sandhu, Didar Singh, and Rakesh K Sindhu, “Development and nutritional evaluation of polyherbal sugar free energy bar”, Conference: Current Regulations on Herbal Drugs and Food Supplements, Volume – 3, Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi, May 2017.
  5. Arvind Sharma, Dr Sandeep Arora, Dr Ashish K Rehni, Mansi  Chitkara, Dr I.S Sandhu, “Rosuvastatin Nanocrystals:  Its Preparation, Characterization, and In Vitro–In Vivo Evaluation at 4th Novel Drug Delivery Systems Organized by OMIC group on 25 March 2014 International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems Organized by OMIC group on 25 March 2014, San-Antonio, USA.
  6. Photo-catalytic Activity of Quencher Impurity Doped ZnS Nanocrystals, International Conference on Functionalized & Sensing Materials, held at Bangkok (Thailand), December 07-09, 2009.
  7. Photoluminescence and Photo-catalytic activity of synthesized nanocrystals, Villa Conference on Interaction among Nanostructures, held at Las Vegas, Neevada, USA from April 21-25, 2011.
  8. Synthesis and optical characterization of Zn1 – x SmxS; 0.9 ≤ x ≤ 0.00001, nanocrystals, in 8th international conference on nanoscience and nanotechnology (NN-11) Thessaloniki, Greece.
  9. Silver nitrate nanoparticle preconditioning : A possible role of free radical mediated nuclear factor kappa – B activation linked mechanism, accepted for poster presentation in 8th international conference on nanoscience and nanotechnology (NN-11), Thessaloniki, Greece.
  10. Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Doped ZnS Nanocrystals for Photo-catalytic Applications, 13th Punjab Science Congress, Panjab University, Chandigarh, February 7-9, 2010.
  11. Jaspreet Singh Jolly, Mansi Chitkara, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Naini Dawar, Shivani Malhotra, “Pure and cobalt doped barium hexaferrite nanoparticle study: Synthesis and characterization”, International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials, Visakhapatnam, 530045, Andhra Pradesh, India, Nanos December 2015.
  12. Shivani Malhotra, Mansi Chitkara , Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Naini Dawar, Jaspreet Singh, “Structural and Magnetic properties of Strontium Hexa-Ferrites Synthesized by Chemical Co-precipitation Method”, International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials, Visakhapatnam, 530045, Andhra Pradesh, India, Nanos December 2015.
  13. Naini Dawar, Mansi Chitkara, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Jaspreet Singh Jolly Shivani Malhotra, “Crystallographic and morphological characterization of pure and nickel doped barium nanohexaferrites synthesized using chemical co-precipitation technique”, International Conference on Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials, Visakhapatnam, 530045, Andhra Pradesh, India, Nanos December 2015.
  14. Photoluminescence and Photocatalytic behavior of synthesised Semiconductor Nanomaterials, National Conference on NanoScience and Nano Technology, Centre for Research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Calcutta, 18th and 19th September, 2014.
  15. In vivo distribution of stem cells labeled with biocompatible nanoparticles in brain. National conference on “Recent advances in material science” organized by Dyal Singh College, Karnal on 25-26 Febuary, 2012.
  16. Optical properties of rare earth metal doped ZnS nanocrystals. National conference on “Recent advances in material science” organized by Dyal Singh College, Karnal on 25-26 Febuary, 2012.
  17. Photocatalytic activity of Chromium ion doped ZnO nanostructure. International conference on “Frontiers in Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and their applications: NanoSciTech-2012” organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, Panjab University, Chandigarh on 15-18 Febuary, 2012.

Research Publications:

  1. Dhillon, G., Kumar, N., Mansi Chitkara and Sandhu, I.S., 2020. Effect of A-site substitution and calcination temperature in Fe 3 O 4 spinel ferrites. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, pp.1-10.
  2. Mansi Chitkara, Sindhu, R.K., Singh, I., Kumar, D., Sandhu, I.S. and Arora, S., 2020. Formulation and Evaluation of Essential Oils based Liquid Herbal Hand Wash. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 13(4), pp.1917-1920.
  3. Sandhu, I.S., Mansi Chitkara , Rana, S., Dhillon, G., Taneja, A. and Kumar, S., 2020. Photocatalytic performances of stand-alone graphene oxide (GO) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanostructures. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 52(7), pp.1-16.
  4. Dhillon, Gulshan, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, and Mansi Chitkara. “Effect of Gd3+ substitution and processing temperature on the magnetic properties of BiFeO3.” AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2220. No. 1. AIP Publishing LLC, 2020.
  5. Kaushik C, Sandhu IS, Srivastava AK, Mansi Chitkara. Current Radiographic Practices and Radiation Dose Evaluation. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. 2020 Jul 30;11(7):188-94.
  6. Jindal, H., Oberoi, A.S., Sandhu, I.S. and Mansi Chitkara 2020. Potential Porous Mediums for Electrochemical Hydrogen Storage: State of Art and Comparative Study. Materials Today: Proceedings, 21, pp.1888-1898.
  7. Mansi Chitkara, Rajneet Kohli, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Didar Singh, Gagandeep Kaur, Rakesh Kumar Sindhu, “Mineral Content Analysis of Polyherbal Energy Bar using X-ray Fluorescence Technique, Pharmacogn J. 2019; 11 (1):53-56.
  8. Himanshu Jindal, Amandeep Singh Oberoi, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Mansi Chitkara, “A Reduced grapheme oxide electrode for solid-state hydrogen storage within a proton battery”, IJMPERD, ISSN (P):2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001, Vol. 9, Issue 4, Aug 2019, 659-670.
  9. Himanshu Jindal, Amandeep Singh Oberoi, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Mansi Chitkara, “Solid-State Hydrogen Storage within a Proton Battery and Its Performance Analysis with Different Catalyst Loadings”, IJITEE, ISSN:2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9, July 2019.
  10. Rakesh K. Sindhu, Mansi Chitkara, Gagandeep Kaur, Arashmeet Kaur, Sandeep Arora, I.S. Sandhu, “Formulation development and antimicrobial evaluation of polyherbal soap”, Plant Archieves, Vol. 19, Supplement 2, 2019, pp. 1342-1346.
  11. Shivani Malhotra, Mansi Chitkara, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Sanjeev Kumar, “Effect of dopant Concentration and Heat Treatment on Morphological and Dielectric Properties of Rare Earth Substituted Strontium Hexaferrite Nanoparticles, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 13, Number 11 (2018) pp. 8947-8953, Research India Publication, http://www.ripublication.com
  12. Himanshu Jindal, Amandeep Singh Oberoi, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Mansi Chitkara, “Potential porous mediums for electrochemical hydrogen storage: State of art and comparative study”, ISFM-2018 special issue with Material Today: Proceedings.
  13. Mansi Chitkara, Didar Singh, Rakesh K. Sindhu, Rohit Kumar, I S Sandhu, “Development and Evaluation of Preservative Free Natural Onion Oil, Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 8, Dec. 2018 Special Issue.
  14. Himanshu Jindal, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Amandeep Singh Oberoi, Mansi Chitkara, “Nanostructure Materials for Electrochemical Hydrogen Storage: A Review”, In 2018, 6th Edition of International Conference on Wireless Networks and Embedded Systems (WECON ) , IEEE, pp. 97-101.
  15. Himanshu Jindal, Amandeep Singh Oberoi, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Mansi Chitkara, “Potential porous mediums for electrochemical hydrogen storage: State of art and comparative study”, ISFM-2018 special issue with Material Today: Proceedings.
  16. Chitkara Mansi, Ranjit Kohli, I. S. Sandhu, Didar Singh, and Rakesh K. Sindhu. “Development and nutritional, organoleptic biochemical analysis of plyherbal (stevia, banana, cocoa butter, oats) energy bar.” Journal of Advances in Food Science & Technology 4, no. 2 (2017): 62-66.
  17. Shivani Malhotra, Mansi Chitkara, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Naini Dawar,  Jaspreet Singh Jolly, ” Investigation of Structural, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Terbium Doped Strontium Hexaferrite for High Frequency Applications” published in Indian journal of Science & Technology , Vol 9 (27), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i27/96638, July 2016
  18. Shivani Malhotra, Mansi Chitkara , Inderjeet Singh Sandhu” Microwave Absorption Study of Nano Synthesized Strontium Ferrite Particles in X Band“, International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition,Vol.15, No.10 (2015), pp.1111 –1122. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ijsip.2015.8.10.13.
  19. Naini Dawar, Mansi Chitkara, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Jaspreet Singh Jolly, Shivani Malhotra,“Structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of pure and nickel doped barium nanohexaferrites synthesized using chemical co-precipitation technique” International Journal of Signal Processing, Cogent Physics ,Vol.8, No.10(2015), pp.115 – 120.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23311940.2016.1208450.
  20. Khanesh Kumar, Mansi Chitkara, Inderjit Singh Sandhu, Devinder Mehta, and Sanjeev Kumar. “Photocatalytic and magnetic properties of Zn 1− x Cr x O nanocomposites prepared by a co-precipitation method.” Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 30 (2015): 142-151.
  21. Neha Sharma, Mansi Chitkara, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu, Savita Jandaik, and Sanjeev Kumar, “Synthesis, characterisation and antimicrobial activity of manganese-and iron-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles”, Journal of Experimental Nanoscience. 05/2015; DOI: 10.1080/17458080.2015.1025302.
  22. Chitkara, Mansi, Karamjit Singh, I. S. Sandhu, and H. S. Bhatti. “Investigation of photo-catalytic activity of Zn 1− x Co x S nanocrystals using methylene blue dye as test contaminant.” Applied Nanoscience4, no. 6 (2014): 683-686.
  23. Khanesh Kumar, Mansi Chitkara, Inderjit Singh Sandhu, D. Mehta and Sanjeev Kumar “Photocatalytic, optical and magnetic properties of Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticles prepared by chemical route”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 588 (2014) 681-689.
  24. Sanjeev Kumar, Arun Kumar, Mansi Chitkara, I.S. Snadhu and Devinder Mehta, “Elemental Analysis of Nanomaterial Using Photon-Atom Interaction Based EDXRF Technique”, DOI: 10.15415/jnp.2013.11006, Journal of Nuclear Physics, Material Sciences, Radiation and Application, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 2013, pp. 61–70.
  25. Mansi Chitkara, Karamjit Singh, Inderjeet Singh Sandhu and Harbhajan Singh Bhatti “Photo-catalytic activity of Zn1-x MnxS nanocrystals synthesized by wet chemical technique”, Nanoscale Research Letters, 2013.
  26. Mansi Chitkara, Khanesh Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar and I S Sandhu  ”Photoluminescence and Photo-Catalytic Activity of Synthesized Nanocrystals” Journal on Today’s Ideas – Tomorrow’s Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 2013, pp. 15 – 28.
  27. Chitkara, Mansi, Karamjit Singh, I. S. Sandhu, and H. S. Bhatti. “Photo-catalytic activity of synthesized Zn 1− x Cu x S nanocrystals.” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 24, no. 10 (2013): 3921-3924.
  28. Rehni AK, Singh TG, Chitkara M, Sandhu IS “Biocompatible nanoparticle labeling of stem cells and their distribution in brain” Methods Mol Biol. 2012; 879:531-7. doi: 10.1007/978-1-61779-815-3_33.
  29. Mansi Chitkara, Khanesh Kumar, Karamjit Singh, Sanjeev Kumar and Inderjit Singh Sandhu, “Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic activity of the samarium ion doped ZnS nanoclusters”, Journal of Optoelectronics and Biomedical Materials, Vol. 4 Issue 4, October – December 2012 p. 79 – 85
  30. “Synthesis, characterization and photo-catalytic activity of the samarium doped ZnS nanoclusters “ Mansi Chitkara, Khanesh Kumar, Karamjit Singh Sanjeev Kumar and I.S. Sandhu  Journal of optoelectronics and Biomedical materials, 4 (2012) 79-85.
  31. Mansi Chitkara, Singh, K., Sandhu, I.S. and Bhatti, H.S., 2011. Photo-catalytic activity of Zn 1-x Mn x S nanocrystals synthesized by wet chemical technique. Nanoscale research letters, 6(1), pp.1-5.
  32. Mansi Chitkara, Karamjit Singh, Tinu Bansal, I S Sandhu  and H S Bhatti “Photo-catalytic Activity of Quencher Impurity Doped ZnS Nanocrystals” Advanced Materials Research,  93-94, 288-291 (2010) .
  33. Mansi Chitkara, Karamjit Singh, I S Sandhu  and H S Bhatti, “Characterization of Transition Metal Doped ZnS Nanocrystals for Phosphor and Photo-catalytic Applications” IEEE Xplore, DOI  10.1109/NMDC.2009. 5167539, (2009).