Dr Jyotsna Kaushal


Expert Areas : Synthesis of inorganic compounds, Nano-particles, Water purification, Water analysis

Dr Jyotsna Kaushal is doing research in the area of water purification in which industrial effluent, grey water and drinking water are processed by green technologies i.e. Phytoremediation or rice husk ash. Presently she is also working on STP where conventional and phytoremediation techniques are to be implemented for recycling of water.

Besides this, also working in the synthesis of nanoparticles by green synthesis and its application. She was former dean of Applied Sciences department where students of engineering streams are learning foundation courses in sciences for their first year BE course.

She is a volunteer of international NGO, Art of Living, and she regularly volunteers to go to PGI Drug De-addiction Centre to practice yoga, meditation with the affected patients. She practices Sudharshan Kriya, yoga and meditation. She is also working in villages for spreading awareness of safe drinking water. She is passionate about travelling to various places and reading spiritual books.

  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Consulting
  • Awards
  • Patents
  • Education
  • Service

Paper Publication:

  1. Rani L, Srivastav AL, Kaushal J, 2021, Bioremediation: An effective approach of mercury removal from the aqueous solutions, Chemosphere, org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130654
  2. Kaushal J, Mahajan P, Kaur N, 2021, A review on application of phytoremediation technique for eradication of synthetic dyes by using ornamental plants, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, org/10.1007/s11356-021-16672-7
  3. Kaushal J and Mahajan P, 2021, Asia’s largest urban slum-Dharavi: A global model for management of COVID-19, Cities, org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130654
  4. Sims A, Pligt PV, JohnP, Kaushal J, Kaur  G, McKay FH, 2021, Food Insecurity and Dietary Intake among Rural Indian Women: An Exploratory Study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, org/10.3390/ijerph18094851
  5. Kaushal J and Mahajan P, 2021, Kinetic Evaluation for Removal of an Anionic Diazo Direct Red 28 by Using Phytoremediation Potential of Salvinia molesta Mitchell, Bulletin of environmental contamination & toxicology, org/10.1007/s00128-021-03297-2
  6. Kaushal J and Mahajan P, 2021, Design and Evaluation of Hydroponic system for Tertiary Treatment of STP wastewater: An Eco Friendly Approach, Material Today Proceeding, org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.01.365
  7. Rani L, Kaushal J , Srivastav AL, 2021, Mechanistic route for the removal of heavy metals ions from water on nanoparticle incorporated biochar, AIP Conference proceedings, org/10.1063/5.0053480
  8. Rani L, Srivastav AL, Kaushal J., 2020 An extensive review on the consequences of chemical pesticides on human health and environment, Journal of Cleaner production , org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124657
  9. Rani L, Kaushal J , Srivastav AL, Mahajan P 2020, A critical review on recent developments in MOF adsorbents for the elimination of toxic heavy metals from aqueous solutions, Environmental Science and Pollution Researchhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020-10738-8
  10. Mahajan P and Kaushal J., 2020 Epidemic Trend of COVID-19 Transmission in India During Lockdown-1 Phase, Journal of Community Health, doi.org/10.1007/s10900-020-00863-3
  11. McKay F.H., John P., Sims A., Kaur G., Kaushal J., 2020Documenting the Food Insecurity Experiences and Nutritional Status of Women in India: Study Protocol IntJEnvironResPublic Health,doi:10.3390/ijerph17113769
  12. Mahajan P and KaushalJ .,2020Phytoremediation of azo dye Methyl Red by macroalgaeChara vulgaris L.:Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies, Environmental Science and Pollution Research)doi.org/10.1007/s11356-020- 08977-w
  13. Dutta V., Sharma S., Raizada P., Bandegharaei A.H., Kaushal J., Singh P., 2020Fabrication of visible light active BiFeO3/CuS/SiO2 Z-scheme photocatalyst for efficient dye degradation, Material Letters 270,127693
  14. Mahajan P and Kaushal J , 2019 Phytoremediation of carcinogenic diazo Congo Red dye by using Pistiastratiotes (water lettuce), Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment 23, 65-73.
  15. Mahajan, P, Kaushal, J, Upmanyu, Aand Bhatti, J., 2019Assessment of Phytoremediation Potential of Chara vulgaris to Treat Toxic Pollutants of Textile Effluent, Journal of toxicology, doi.org/10.1155/2019/8351272.
  16. Bhardwaj, P, Kaushal, J, Naithani, Vand Singh, A.P., 2018, Phytoremediation of pulp and paper mill effluents by Salviniamolesta and its comparison with nanoparticles inclusive phytoremediationInt J Basic Appl Res, 8, pp.338-35
  17. Mahajan, P and Kaushal, J, 2018, Role of phytoremediation in reducing cadmium toxicity in soil and waterJournal of toxicology, doi.org/10.1155/2018/4864365
  18. Mahajan P, Singla S, Kaushal J., 2016, Removal of Dyes from Wastewater by Plant Waste, Int J Adv Res Sci.Engg 5,228–239
  19. Mahajan P, Singla S, Kaushal J, 2016, Phytoremediation of heavy metals using Brassica juneca-A Review, doi.org/10.15415/jce.2016.22010
  20. Kaushal J, Mahajan P, 2016, Potential of Hydrillaverticillatafor the Degradation of Contaminants from Textile Effluent, The Research Journal, 2, 70-74.
  21. Kaushal J, Mahajan P, Mittal A, Utilization of Plant Biomass used for Phytoremediation Technology – A Review, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Engineering , 5, 1047-1052.
  22. Kaushal J., Mahajan P., Sharma S., Adsorption of textile dyes by plant biomass: A review, 2016, International Journal of Advanced technology in Engineering and Science 4, 143-152
  23. Kaushal, J, Bhatti, J and Kumar, P, 2016, Green synthesis and physico-chemical study of silver nanoparticles extracted from a natural source Luffaacutangula, Journal of Molecular Liquids, doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2016.10.065
  24. Kaushal J, and Mahajan P.2016 Phytoremediation Potential Of Chara Vulgaris For Degradation Of An Azo Dye-Eriochrome Black-T, International World Conference on environment Management, Issue No.1, doi.org/10.1186/s40064-015-1484-7, 1087-10
  25. Manchanda T, Kaushal, J, 2016, Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Using Pomegranate and Their Antimicrobial Activity-A RevolutionJ Chem Environ Sci App
  26. Kaushal J, Mahajan P, 2015, Exploring the Phytoremediation Potential of Salviniamolesta for the degradation of Malachite green dye Phytoremediation, Res Journal of Chem Environ, 19, 1-8
  27. Khan, MA, M, Chauhan, V and Kaushal, J, 2015, Antimicrobial Efficacy of Green Silver Nanoparticles and Potential Implications for Human Health and the Environment, doi.org/10.15415/jce.2015.12008
  28. Sharma, H., Manchanda, T., Kaushal, J and Singh, S., 2014, Study of the Protonation-DeprotonationEquilibria and Thermodynamics of Alkyl and Aryl Substituted Violuric Acid, doi.org/10.15415/ccr.2013.11002
  29. Vashisht, U and Kaushal, J, 2014, Synthesis and Kinetic Studies of Rigid Polyurethane Foam Based on Modified Castor Oil,  doi.org/10.15415/ccr.2013.12012
  30. Vashisht, U, Ali, Vand Kaushal, J, 2014, Synthesis of Phenolic Blended Modified Natural Polyols for Preparation of Aliphatic Two Component Polyurethane Coatings, doi.org/10.15415/ccr.2013.11006
  31. Yadav ,OP, Taddesse, Abi., Kaushal J,2013, Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and their Antibacterial Activity, Hailemariam Gebru , J Surface Science and Technology 29,p1-20
  32. Mahajan, P and Kaushal, J, 2014, Degradation of Congo Red dye in aqueous solution by using phytoremediation potential of Chara vulgaris, doi.org/10.15415/ccr.2013.11005
  33. Welderfael, T, Yadav, OP, Taddesse, AM and Kaushal, J, 2013, Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activities of Ag-N-codopedZnO nanoparticles for degradation of methyl red, doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v27i2.7
  34. Ali V., Vasisht U.,Kaushal J. 2012. Synthesis, Physico-chemical properties and spectroscopic Charecterisation of phenolic modified castor oil based polyol, doi.org/10.1515/315
  35. Nangia, Y, Kumar, B, Kaushal, J, Suri, CR, 2012, Palladium@ gold bimetallic nanostructures as peroxidase mimic for development of sensitive fluoroimmunoassay. Analytica chimica acta, doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2012.09.005
  36. Boro, R.C., Kaushal, J., Nangia, Y., Wangoo, N., Bhasin, A. and Suri, C.R., 2011. Gold nanoparticles catalyzed chemiluminescence immunoassay for detection of herbicide 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Analyst, 136(10), pp.2125-2130, doi.org/10.1039/c0an00810a
  37. Wangoo, N., Kaushal, J., Bhasin, K.K., Mehta, S.K. and Suri, C.R., 2010, Zeta potential based colorimetric immunoassay for the direct detection of diabetic marker HbA1c using gold nanoprobes. Chemical Communications, 46, pp.5755, doi.org/10.1039/c0cc00224k
  38. Vasisht, S.K., Kaur, T.P. and Kaushal, J., 2001. Silyl-nitrogen compounds: Part XII-Mode of addition reactions in trisila-phospha-triazene, Indian Journal of Chemistry 40A, 232-235
  39. Vasisht, S.K. and Kaushal, J., 2000. Silyl-nitrogen compounds: Part (XI) Synthesis of silylatedmetallahydrazines. Indian Journal of Chemistry 39A, 863-866
  40. Vasisht, S.K. and Kaushal, J., 1998. Silyl-nitrogen compounds: Part VI-Reactions of lithium tris (trimethylsilyl) hydrazine with non-metallic halides. Indian J. of Chemistry 37A ,626-630
  41. Vasisht, S.K., Kaur, T.P., Kaushal, J. and Dixit, S., 1997. Synthesis and characterization of sodium bis (trimethylstannyl) amide and bis (trimethylsilyl) bis (trimethylstannyl)-phospha-tetrazene. Journal of organometallic chemistry,
  42. Vasisht, S.K., Kaur, T.P., Usha, K., Kaushal, J. and Bandhu, K., 1995. Silyl-nitrogen compounds, 1 iii: synthesis and characterisation of pentasila-phospha and pentasila-arsa pentazenes, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related.


  1. Food Security in Indian Women
  2. Enhancement of Youth Resilience through Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation- Blend of Ancient &Scientific Approach
  3. Science Tech. and Innovation Hub at Chitkara University for Patiala and Rajpura Block, in District Patiala (Punjab)
  4. SWACCH NEER: A Potable water filtration unit
  5. Dye degradation from synthetic dyed wastewater by using Ornamental plants
  6. Heavy metal analysis in Ground water of Baddi, Barotiwala and its remedial action at lab scale
  7. Flouride analysis from Drinking water in Rural area near to Rajpura , PUNJAB and its remedial action at lab scale
  8. Potable Quality water analysis in Rural community