Assistant Professor


Expert Areas : Augmented & Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Interactive Learning Environments, Human Cognition, Embedded Systems

Augmented & Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Interactive Learning Environments, Human Cognition, Embedded Systems

Dr. Gurjinder Singh is Ph.D. in Engineering and Technology with 12 years of experience in teaching, research, and administration. His research interests include Augmented & Virtual Reality applications, Human-Computer Interaction, Human Cognition, Embedded System, Engineering Education, Interactive Learning Environment, Education Technology, Pedagogical Innovation & Management, Curriculum Design & Development.

He is Incharge of Chitkara University Central Instrumentation Facility (CUCIF). He also a member of Technology Enabling Centre (TEC), Chitkara University, Punjab which is approved by DST, Govt. of India.

  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Consulting
  • Patents
  • Education
  • Service
  1. Kumar, A., Mantri, A., Singh, G., & Kaur, D.P., (2022). Impact of AR-based collaborative learning approach on knowledge gain of engineering students in embedded system course. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10858-9
  2. Dutta, R., Mantri, A. & Singh, G. (2022). Evaluating system usability of mobile augmented reality application for teaching Karnaugh-Maps. Smart Learning Environments, 9, 6. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40561-022-00189-8
  3. Gargrish, S., Kaur, D. P., Mantri, A., Singh, G., & Sharma, B. (2021). Measuring effectiveness of augmented reality-based geometry learning assistant on memory retention abilities of the students in 3D geometry. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 29(6), 1811-1824. https://doi.org/10.1002/cae.22424
  4. Singh, N. P., Sarathy, P., Mantri, A., Singh, G., Ghosh, D., Singh, T. G., Saluja, N. K., & Kaur, R. (2021). Spatio-Temporal Pattern Representation from AI Inspired Brain Model in Spiking Neural Network. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 12(5), 6618–6631. https://doi.org/10.33263/BRIAC125.66186631
  5. Singh, G., Mantri, A., Sharma, O., & Kaur, R. (2020). Virtual reality learning environment for enhancing electronics engineering laboratory experience. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. https://doi.org/10.1002/cae.22333
  6. Faridi, H., Tuli, N., Mantri, A., Singh, G., & Gargrish, S. (2020). A framework utilizing augmented reality to improve critical thinking ability and learning gain of the students in Physics. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. https://doi.org/10.1002/cae.22342
  7. Singh, G., Mantri, A., Sharma, O., Dutta, R., & Kaur, R. (2019). Evaluating the impact of the augmented reality learning environment on electronics laboratory skills of engineering students. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 27(6), 1361–1375. https://doi.org/10.1002/cae.22156
  8. Dutta, R., Mantri, A., Singh, G., Malhotra, S., & Kumar, A. (2020). Impact of flipped learning approach on students motivation for learning digital electronics course. Integration of Education, 24(3). https://doi.org/10.15507/1991-9468.100.024.202003.453-464
  9. Dutta, R., Mantri, A., Singh, G., Kumar, A., & Kaur, D. P. (2021). Evaluating Usability of Mobile Augmented Reality System for Enhancing the Learning Experience. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference Image Information Processing. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICIIP53038.2021.9702603 .
  10. Singh, G., Singh, M., Dhall, S., Bhateja, P., Sharma, K., & Kaur, R. (2022). GOCO Wearable Tracker Band for COVID-19 Patients. https://doi.org/10.1109/icatme50232.2021.9732709
  11. Gargrish, S., Mantri, A., Singh, G., & Harun (2020). Measuring Students’ Motivation towards Virtual Reality Game-Like Learning Environments. In 2020 Indo – Taiwan 2nd International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Networks (Indo-Taiwan ICAN), Rajpura, Punjab, India, 2020, 164-169, https://doi.org/10.1109/IndoTaiwanICAN48429.2020.9181362
  12. Singh, M., Singh, G., Gill, B., Bansal, I., & Kapoor, H. (2020). Enabling Online Education in Government Schools in India. https://doi.org/10.1109/discover50404.2020.9278039
  13. Sharma, D., Kaur, R., & Singh, G. (2015). A Comparative Analysis of Adaptive IIR Filtering Techniques using LabVIEW. International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 8(8), 289-302. http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ijhit.2015.8.8.30
  14. Singh, P., Kaur, R., & Singh, G. (2015). Performance Analysis for Recognition of Image with Alphanumeric Characters Under Different Environmental. International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology, 8(7), 207-214. http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ijhit.2015.8.7.19
  15. Singh, G., & Mantri, A. (2015). Ubiquitous hybrid tracking techniques for augmented reality applications. In 2015 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering & Computational Sciences               (RAECS)       (pp.        1–5).      https://doi.org/10.1109/RAECS.2015.7453420
  16. Singh, P., Kaur, R., & Singh, G. (2015). LabVIEW Based Real Time Alphanumeric Character Recognition System. In Proceedings – 2015 2nd IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering, ICACCE 2015. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICACCE.2015.35
  17. Kaur, R., Singh, G., Dhaliwal, B. S., & Gill, S. S. (2012). Implementation of modified variable step size least mean square algorithm in LabVIEW. In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence         and       Computing          Research,             ICCIC      2012. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICCIC.2012.6510206
  18. Singh, G., Kaur, M., Singh, K.V.P., & Kaur, R. (2013). Implementation of Complementary Pair Least Mean Square (CP-LMS) algorithm in LabVIEW. International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 3(3), 1136-1138.
  19. Singh, G., Kaur, M., Singh, K.V.P., & Kaur, R. (2013). Performance Analysis of CPVSS-LMS and CP-LMS adaptive algorithms in LabVIEW. International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 3(4), 1238-1241.
  20. Kaur, R., Singh, G., Dhaliwal, B. S., & Gill, S. S. (2013). Performance Analysis of Variable Step Size Least Mean Square Algorithms. In 3rd National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and Communication Technologies (RAECT-13) held at Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana on 21st & 222nd March, 2013.
  21. Kaur, R., Singh, G., Dhaliwal, B. S., & Gill, S. S. (2012). Acoustic Echo Cancellation Using Modified Variable Step Size Least Mean Square Adaptive Algorithm in LabVIEW. In International Conference on Computer Applications, held at Pondicherry, India, pp 10-14.
  22. Kaur, R. & Singh, G. (2010). Analysis of various Face Detection techniques. In National Conference on Advanced Digital Signal Processing held at Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajpura on 22nd & 23rd October 2010.