Dr. Deepali Gupta


Expert Areas : Software Engineering, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Block Chain, Internet of Things

Prof. (Dr.) Deepali Gupta is currently working as Professor Research in Chitkara University Research and Innovation Network (CURIN) at Chitkara University, Punjab, India. Dr Deepali Gupta specializes in software engineering, cloud computing, IoT and genetic algorithms. She has worked with undergraduate, postgraduate students as well as research scholars throughout her career and plans to continue to involve students in her research and is eager to participate in projects and guide independent student’s research.

She has published more than 120 research papers in national & international journals and conferences. Based on these areas she has guided many PhD and ME scholars. Dr Deepali has worked at various administrative positions like Principal, Head(CSE), Dean Academics, IBM (Spoc), Remote Centre Coordinator (IITB), Coordinator for IITB Spoken Tutorial, Executive Committee Member in Computer Science Division of Haryana State Centre(IEI), President Sangam Kala Group(Kurukshetra, Mohali and Chandigarh Chapter), Member of Anti-Ragging Committee, Academic Council, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Board of Management, Chairman SC/ST Cell of MMU, Sadopur and Principal(MMGI, Sadopur).

She is an active member of various professional bodies like IEI (India), IETE, ISTE etc. apart from being Editor-in-chief of MMU journal, she is an editorial board member and reviewer of various journals.

Recently she received certificate of appreciation from “The Institution of Engineers (India), Haryana State Centre” acknowledging her valuable technical contribution rendered to the nation as a Tech Samaritan during COVID-19 Pandemic and reaffirming the credence of the profession of engineering on the occasion of 54th Engineers’ Day Celebration.

Dr. Deepali Gupta
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Consulting
  • Awards
  • Patents
  • Education
  • Service

Publications: Research Papers, Articles/Books

Research Papers: Journals

  1. Mittal Shikha, Bansal Ankit, Gupta Deepali, Juneja Sapna et.al.(2022), “Using Identity-Based Cryptography as a Foundation for an Effective and Secure Cloud Model for E-Health”, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2022, Article ID 7016554, 8 pages, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/7016554. SCIE Indexed (IF-3.6)
  2. Neha Gupta, Kamali Gupta, Deepali Gupta, Sapna Juneja et.al.(2022),”Enhanced Virtualization-Based Dynamic Bin-Packing Optimized Energy Management Solution for Heterogeneous Clouds”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2022, Article ID 8734198, 11 pages, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/8734198. SCIE Indexed (IF-1.3)
  3. Hashmi Adeel, Juneja Abhinav, Kumar Naresh, Gupta Deepali et.al.(2022), “Contrast Enhancement in Mammograms Using Convolution Neural Networks for Edge Computing Systems”, Scientific Programming, vol. 2022, Article ID 1882464, 9 pages, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/1882464. SCIE Indexed (IF-1.4)
  4. Kour Kanwalpreet and Gupta Deepali, (2022), “Controlling Agronomic Variables of Saffron Crop Using IoT for Sustainable Agriculture”, in Sustainability (MDPI, Switzerland), Vol.14, No.9, 14(9):5607. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14095607 SCIE Indexed (IF-3.251)
  5. Sharma Sarang, Gupta Sheifali, Gupta Deepali, Juneja Abhinav, Khatter Harsh, Malik Sapna, Bitsue Zelalem Kiros, (2022), “Deep Learning Model for Automatic Classification and Prediction of Brain Tumor”, Journal of Sensors, vol. 2022, Article ID 3065656, 11 pages, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/3065656. SCIE Indexed (IF-2.32)
  6. Singh Tajinder, Gupta Sheifali, Garg Meenu, Gupta Deepali et.al.(2022), ” Visualization of Customized Convolutional Neural Network for Natural Language Recognition”, in Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Sensors (MDPI, Basel), Apr 8, vol. 22, Issue 8:2881. doi: 10.3390/s22082881. SCIE Indexed (IF-3.576)
  7. Vishal Verma, Gupta Deepali and Gupta Sheifali, (2022), “A Deep Learning-Based Intelligent Garbage Detection System Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle”, in Symmetry 2022, 14, 960. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym14050960, SCIE Indexed (IF-3.1)
  8. Chugh Himani, Gupta Sheifali, Garg Meenu, Gupta Deepali, Juneja Sapna, Turabieh Hamza, Na Yogita, Bitsue Kiros Zelalem (2022), ” Image Retrieval Using Different Distance Methods and Color Difference Histogram Descriptor for Human Healthcare”, in Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2022, Article ID 9523009, 10 pages. SCIE Indexed (IF-2.6)
  9. Chauhan Harsha, Gupta Deepali, Gupta Sheifali, Nayak Soumya Ranjan, Shankar Achyut and Singh Prabhisek, (2022), “Framework for Enhancing Traceability in Supply Chain using Blockchain”, in Journal of Interconnection Networks. ESCI Indexed (IF-0.46)
  10. Malik, Swati, Kamali Gupta, Deepali Gupta, Aman Singh, Muhammad Ibrahim, Arturo Ortega-Mansilla, Nitin Goyal, and Habib Hamam. (2022), “Intelligent Load-Balancing Framework for Fog-Enabled Communication in Healthcare”, in Electronics Vol. 11, no. 4, p. 566. SCIE Indexed (IF-2.4)
  11. Kour Kanwalpreet and Gupta Deepali, (2022), “Smart-Hydroponic-Based Framework for Saffron Cultivation: A Precision Smart Agriculture Perspective”, in Sustainability (MDPI, Switzerland), Vol.14, No.3, p. 1120.  SCIE Indexed (IF-3.251)
  12. Uppal, Mudita, Gupta, Deepali., Anand, D., Alharithi, F. S., Almotiri, J. et al. (2022), ” Fault Pattern Diagnosis and Classification in Sensor Nodes Using Fall Curve”, in CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, Vol. 72, No.1, pp.1799–1814. SCIE Indexed (IF-3.772)
  13. Sharma Sarang, Gupta Sheifali, Gupta Deepali, Juneja Sapna, Gupta Punit, Dhiman Gaurav, Kautish Sandeep (2022), “Deep Learning Model for the Automatic Classification of White Blood Cells”, in Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2022, Article ID 7384131, 13 pages. SCIE Indexed (IF-4.4)
  14. Gupta Neha, Gupta Kamali, Gupta Deepali, Juneja Sapna, Turabieh Hamza, Dhiman Gaurav, Kautish Sandeep, Viriyasitavat Wattana,(2022), “Enhanced Virtualization-Based Dynamic Bin-Packing Optimized Energy Management Solution for Heterogeneous Clouds”, in Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2022, Article ID 8734198, 11 pages. SCIE Indexed (IF-1.4)
  15. Sharma Sandhya, Gupta Sheifali, Gupta Deepali, Juneja Sapna, Singal Gaurav, Dhiman Gaurav, Kautish Sandeep (2022), “Recognition of Gurmukhi Handwritten City Names Using Deep Learning and Cloud Computing”, in Scientific Programming, vol. 2022, Article ID 5945117, 16 pages. SCIE Indexed (IF-1.4)
  16. Pandit Mahesha, Deepali Gupta, Divya Anand, Nitin Goyal, Hani M. Aljahdali, Arturo O. Mansilla, Seifedine Kadry, and Arun Kumar (2022), “Towards Design and Feasibility Analysis of DePaaS: AI Based Global Unified Software Defect Prediction Framework” in Applied Sciences Vol. 12, no. 1, p.493. SCIE Indexed (IF-2.6).
  17. Goyal Nitin, Gupta Deepali, Sapna Juneja, Gaurav Dhiman and Sandeep Kautish (2021), “An Intelligent Forecasting Model for Disease Prediction Using Stack Ensembling Approach ” in Computers, Materials & Continua. Vol.70, No.3, 2022, pp.6041-6055, SCIE Indexed (IF-3.7)
  18. Chauhan Harsha, Gupta Deepali, Gupta Sheifali Gupta et. al., (2021), “Blockchain Enabled Transparent and Anti-Counterfeiting Supply of COVID-19 Vaccine Vials”, in Vaccines MDPI, Vol. 9, No. 11, p. 1239. SCIE Indexed (IF-4.42)
  19. Mahesha BR Pandit and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Performance of Genetic Programming based Software Defect Prediction Models” in International Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol. 9, pp. 787 -795 .Scopus Indexed.
  20. Kaur Manpreet, Rani Shalli, Gupta Deepali and Manocha Amit (2021), “Prediction of Diabetic Patients Using Various Machine Learning Techniques”, In International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 100–106. ESCI Indexed. INDERSCIENCE (IF-1.55).
  21. Chauhan Harsha, Gupta Deepali and Gupta Sheifali (2021), “IoT based Automatic Intravenous Fluid Monitoring System for Smart Medical Environment” In International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. Vol. 66, No. 2, pp. 154–164. ESCI Indexed. INDERSCIENCE (IF-1.55).
  22. Uppal Mudita, Gupta Deepali, Sapna Juneja, Gaurav Dhiman and Sandeep Kautish (2021), “Cloud-Based Fault Prediction Using IoT in Office Automation for Improvisation of Health of Employees” in Journal of Health Care Engineering, 8106467 SCIE Indexed (IF-2.68)
  23. Kumar Naresh, Nripendra Das, Gupta Deepali, Gupta Kamali and Jatin Bindra (2021), Efficient Automated Disease Diagnosis Using Machine Learning Models. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2021, Article ID 9983652, 13 pages, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/9983652 SCIE Indexed (IF-2.68)
  24. Kakkar Latika, Gupta Deepali, and Tanwar Sarvesh, (2021),” A Novel Certificateless Secured Signature Scheme for IoT Data in Healthcare System”, in International Journal of Performability Engineering, Vol. 17 No.10, pp. 787 -795 .Scopus Indexed.
  25. Kumar Naresh, Gupta Manish, Gupta Deepali and Yadav Vaishali (2021), Novel deep transfer learning model for COVID-19 patient detection using X-ray chest images. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. May 2021 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-021-03306-6 SCIE Indexed (IF-7.1).
  26. Mudita, Ramneet, Gupta Kamali and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Recent Research on Effect of COVID’19 on Diabetic Patients” in International Journal of Current Research and Review, Vol. 13, Issue. 11, pp. 201-204. Scopus Indexed.
  27. Ailawalia Praveen, Gupta Deepali & Sharma Vikas (2020), Surface waves in hygrothermoelastic half-space with hydrostatic initial stress, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (TAYLOR & FRANCIS). SCIE Indexed (IF-3.5)
  28. Ahuja Rakesh, Ahuja Sachin and Gupta Deepali (2020), “Compressed Domain Based Robust Digital Video Watermarking Scheme to Protect the Copyright”, in Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 1160–1167. Scopus Indexed.
  29. Ailawalia Praveen and Gupta Deepali (2020), Two dimensional deformations in a Functionally Graded Orthotropic Micropolar Solid. In Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines (TAYLOR & FRANCIS). SCIE Indexed (IF-2.28)
  30. Kumar Naresh and Gupta Deepali (2020), “Border Surveillance Using Face Recognition, Mobile Otp and Email”, in IIUM Engineering Journal, Volume 21, Issue 2, pp. 143-152 ISSN: 1511-788X. ESCI Indexed.
  31. Singh Amanpreet, Kaur Amandeep, Gupta Deepali, Gupta Neha and Gupta Kamali (2020), A Study of Recent Issues In Cloud Computing Techniques. In Advances In Mathematics: Scientific Journal, Volume 9, Issue 9, pp. 6577–6588. Scopus Indexed.
  32. Narang Ashima, Gupta Deepali, Kaur Amandeep (2019), Efficient fragsecure framework for data security and fragmentation in cloud computing, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 1011–1014. Scopus Indexed.
  33. Ahlawat Deepak, Kaur Amandeep and Gupta Deepali (2020), Framework To Enhance The Qos And Security In Cloud Environment. In Advances In Mathematics: Scientific Journal, Volume 9, Issue 6, pp. 3459–3475. Scopus Indexed.
  34. Mudita and Gupta Deepali (2020), “The Aspects of Artificial Intelligence in Software Engineering”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 17, Issue 9-10, pp. 4635-4642, ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  35. Ramneet, Gupta Deepali, Madhukar Mani (2020), “Analysis of Machine Learning Approaches for Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 17, Issue 9-10, pp. 4535-4542, ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  36. Kumar Naresh, Bindra Jatin, Sharma Rajat and Gupta Deepali (2020), “Air Pollution Prediction Using Recurrent Neural Network, Long Short-Term Memory and Hybrid of Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory Models”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 17, Issue 9-10, pp. 4580-4584, ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  37. Narang Ashima, Gupta Deepali and Kaur Amandeep (2020), “Biometrics based Un-locker to Enhance Cloud Security Systems”, in International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC), Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 1-12, December 2020. ISSN: 1546-1955. Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).
  38. Gupta Deepali, Chauhan Harsha, Gupta Sheifali and Gupta Rupesh (2019), “Effect of Colony Collapse Disorder on Honeybees”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4149-4152, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  39. Singh Jaspreet, Gupta Deepali, Sharma Neha (2019), “Cloud load balancing algorithms: A comparative assessment” in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 9, pp. 3989–3994. Scopus Indexed.
  40. Gupta Sheifali, Jain Pooja, Gupta Deepali and Chauhan Harsha (2019), “Boosted Random Forest Learning Based Convolution Neural Network Model for Face Recognition System”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4153–4159, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  41. Sharma Richa, Rani Shalli and Gupta Deepali (2019), “Stress Detection Using Machine Learning Classifiers in Internet of Things Environment”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4214-4219, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  42. Kaur Babaljeet, Sharma Richa, Rani Shalli and Gupta Deepali (2019), “Recommender system: Towards classification of human intentions in e-shopping using machine learning”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4280-4285, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  43. Amanpreet Sandhu, Sheifali Gupta, Rupesh Gupta and Gupta Deepali (2019), “Anti-Theft System for Monitoring Wheels of a Vehicle”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4299-4303, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  44. Sheifali Gupta, Gurleen Kaur, Deepali Gupta and Udit Jindal (2019), “Brazilian coins recognition using histogram of oriented gradients features”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4170-4178, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  45. Kakkar Latika, Gupta Deepali, Saxena Sapna and Tanwar Sarvesh (2019), An Analysis of Integration of Internet of Things and Cloud Computing”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4345-4349, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  46. Chauhan Harsha, Gupta Deepali, Gupta Sheifali and Verma Vishal (2019), “On Rent—An Android Mobile Application”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4400-4405, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  47. Gupta Rupesh, Sharma Sarang, Gupta Sheifali and Gupta Deepali (2019), “Stackable Smart Footwear Rack Using Infra Red Sensor”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4232-4235, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  48. Gupta Rupesh, Singh Varinder, Gupta Sheifali and Gupta Deepali (2019), “Heat transfer analysis of solid and perforated fins in regular arrangement”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4262-4265, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  49. Garg Meenu, Gupta Sheifali, Ahuja Rakesh and Gupta Deepali (2019), “Diabetic Retinopathy Prediction Device System”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4266-4270, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  50. Gupta Sheifali and Jindal Udit, Gupta Deepali and Gupta Rupesh (2019), “Offline Handwritten Gurumukhi Character Recognition System Using Convolution Neural Network”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4164-4169, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  51. Neelam Dahiya, Meenu Garg, Gupta Sheifali and Gupta Deepali (2019), “Smart Ambulance System Using Internet of Things: A Rumination”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 10, pp. 4249-4254, October 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  52. Singh Jaspreet and Gupta Deepali (2019), “Cloud Load Balancing Algorithms: A Comparative Assessment”, in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 9, pp. 3989-3994, September 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  53. Gupta Deepali and Ahlawat Deepak (2019), “Big Data Clustering and Hadoop Distributed File System Architecture”, in in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, Volume 16, Number 9, pp. 3824-3829, September 2019. ISSN: 1546-1955. Scopus Indexed.
  54. Gupta Deepali, Gupta Kamali and Kumar Naresh (2019), “Emerging Technologies and Trends In Cloud Computing”, in COMPUSOFT: An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology, Volume 8, Issue 6, pp. 3146-3149, June 2019. ISSN: 2320-0790. Scopus Indexed.
  55. Gupta Deepali and Narang Ashima (2019), “Comparative Analysis of Various Cloud Security Frameworks”, Abstracted and indexed ELSEVIER-SSRN in International Journal of Advanced Studies of Scientific Research (IJASSR), pp. 379-384, 2019. ISSN: 2460-4010. Scopus Indexed.
  56. Gupta Deepali and Kaushik Vipul (2019), “React Native Application Development”, Abstracted and indexed ELSEVIER-SSRN in International Journal of Advanced Studies of Scientific Research (IJASSR), pp. 461-467, 2019. Scopus Indexed.
  57. Gupta Deepali and Ahlawat Deepak (2019), “An Enhanced Mechanism of Big Data Clustering in Cloud”, Abstracted and indexed ELSEVIER-SSRN in International Journal of Advanced Studies of Scientific Research (IJASSR), pp. 91-96, 2019. Scopus Indexed.
  58. Singh Jaspreet and Gupta Deepali (2017), “Towards Energy Saving with Smarter Multi Queue Job Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing”, in Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume -12, Issue -10, page 8944-8948,DOI:10.3923/jeasci.2017.8944.8948, Scopus Indexed.
  59. Singh Jaspreet and Gupta Deepali (2017), “An Smarter Multi Queue Job Scheduling for Cloud Computing”, in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Volume 12, Number 9, page 1929-1934, ISSN 0973-4562, 2017, Scopus Indexed.
  60. Kumar Rakesh and Gupta Deepali (2012), “A Heuristics Based Review on CK Metrics, in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 7, Number 11, page 1229-1232, 9-11 November 2012. Scopus Indexed.
  61. Kumar Rakesh and Gupta Deepali (2011), “Heuristics and metrics for OO Refactoring”, in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 6, Number 18, page 3229-3232, October 2011. Scopus Indexed.
  62. Gupta Deepali (2008), “Software Fault Prediction Based on Machine Learning Techniques Using Software Metrics”, in Journal of Digital Information and Management, Scopus Indexed, Vol. 6, No. 5, page 421-424.

Conferences and Seminar Papers:

  1. Gupta Kamali, Gupta Deepali and Gupta Sahil (2021), “A Framework to increase your Citation Count: A Partial Least Square Approach”, in 2021 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Applications (ICCICA).DOI: 10.1109/ICCICA52458.2021, 26-27 Nov. 2021. Scopus Indexed.
  2. Gupta Kamali, Gupta Deepali and Khurana Meenu (2021), “A Framework for PO Attainment in HEI’s using Machine Learning in India”, in 2021 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Applications (ICCICA).DOI: 10.1109/ICCICA52458.2021, 26-27 Nov. 2021. Scopus Indexed.
  3. Gupta Kamali, Garg Atul, Kukreja Vinay, Gupta Deepali (2021), “Rice Diseases Multi-Classification: An Image Resizing Deep Learning Approach”, in 2021 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application, DASA 2021, pp. 170-175 Scopus Indexed.
  4. Ramneet and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “A Framework of Smart Dispensing Unit for Optimizing Sanitizer Quantity using IoT schematics” in Chitkara University Doctoral Consortium – CUDC 2021, Chitkara University, Rajpura, INDIA. Scopus Indexed.
  5. Gupta Neha, Gupta Kamali., Singh Amanpreet, Kaur, Bhullar Amandeep, Gupta Deepali (2021), Cloud computing: A walk through in models, challenges, and energy solutions. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Scopus Indexed.
  6. Singh Amandeep, Kaur Amandeep, and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Analysis of Approaches of Trustability and Issues in Cloud Computing” in Chitkara University Doctoral Consortium – CUDC 2021, Chitkara University, Rajpura, INDIA. Scopus Indexed.
  7. Mudita and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “A Framework of Smart Dispensing Unit for Optimizing Sanitizer Quantity using IoT schematics” in Chitkara University Doctoral Consortium – CUDC 2021, Chitkara University, Rajpura, INDIA. Scopus Indexed.
  8. Mudita and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Prediction of Sensor Faults and Outliers in IoT Devices” in IEEE 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO’2021) 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICRITO51393.2021.9596436. Scopus Indexed.
  9. Latika and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Comparative Analysis of Various Encryption Algorithms Used in IoT Security” in IEEE 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO’2021) pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICRITO51393.2021.9596234. Scopus Indexed.
  10. Urvashi and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Email Ingestion using Robotic Process Automation for Online Travel Agency” in IEEE 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO’2021) pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICRITO51393. Scopus Indexed.
  11. Kour Kanwal and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Iot and Fog Enabled Model for Saffron Cultivation in Precision Farming” in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2021, pp. 614-619. Scopus Indexed.
  12. Divyanshu and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “An Implementation of Automated Service Request Desk for Hotel Industry” in IEEE 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO’2021) pp. 1-5. Scopus Indexed.
  13. Divanshu, Gupta Sheifali and Gupta Deepali (2021), “GIS in Tourism: A Review of Tourists’ Movement Behaviour”, Abstracted and indexed ELSEVIER-SSRN in Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing & Communication (ICICC) 2021. Scopus Indexed.
  14. Chauhan Harsha, Gupta Deepali, M. Haque Junedul and Gupta Sheifali, (2021), “A Smart Cradle System to Monitor Infants for Healthcare Baby Wards Based on IoT and Blockchain”, in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2021, pp. 606-609. doi: 10.1109/ICAC3N53548.2021.9725717. Scopus Indexed.
  15. Urvashi and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Framework of Inventory Automation for Online Travel Agency”, in 6th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing, and Control (ISPCC 2k21) (Accepted) Scopus Indexed.
  16. Ramneet, Gupta Deepali and Madhukar Mani, (2021), “Operational Challenges in Online Self-Learning Education Adoption”, in 6th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing, and Control (ISPCC 2k21) (Accepted) Scopus Indexed.
  17. Sarang, Gupta Sheifali and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Mobile Dimensions Detection for Forensic Investigation”, in 6th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing, and Control (ISPCC 2k21), pp. 804-810, doi: 10.1109/ISPCC53510.2021.9609459. Scopus Indexed.
  18. Mudita and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “A Comprehensive Study of Recommender Systems for the Internet of Things” in International Conference on Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation Systems (IRMAS-2021)), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1969, Issue 1, p. 012045. Scopus Indexed.
  19. Sharma Sheetal, Gupta Kamali and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “The Amalgamation of Internet of Things and Recommender Systems” in International Conference on Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation Systems (IRMAS-2021)), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1969, Issue 1, p. 012040. Scopus Indexed.
  20. Urvashi and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Analyzing the Applications of Internet of Things in Hotel Industry” in International Conference on Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation Systems (IRMAS-2021)), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1969, Issue 1, p. 012041. Scopus Indexed.
  21. Singh Amanpreet, Kaur Amandeep and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Reviewing Trust Issues in Cloud Computing” in International Conference on Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation Systems (IRMAS-2021)), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1969, Issue 1, p. 012043. Scopus Indexed.
  22. Shrivastava Anchit, Jaggi Isha, Katoch Nandita, Gupta Deepali and Gupta Sheifali, (2021), “A Systematic Review on Extreme Programming” in International Conference on Intelligent Robotics, Mechatronics and Automation Systems (IRMAS-2021), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1969, Issue 1, p. 012046. Scopus Indexed.
  23. Chauhan Harsha, Kumar Devashish, Gupta Deepali, Gupta Sheifali, Verma Vishal (2021), “Blockchain and IoT based Vehicle Tracking System for Industry 4.0 Applications”, International Conference On Computational Research And Data Analytics (ICCRDA, 2020) (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1022 (1), p. 012051. Scopus Indexed.
  24. Gupta Neha, Gupta Kamali, Singh Amanpreet, Kaur Amandeep and Gupta Deepali (2021), “Cloud Computing: A Walk Through in Models, Challenges and Energy Solutions”, International Conference On Computational Research And Data Analytics (ICCRDA, 2020). Scopus Indexed.
  25. Verma Vishal, Gupta Deepali, Gupta Sheifali, Chauhan Harsha, (2021), “IoT Based an Eye-Ware to Assist in Ocular Communication”, International Conference On Computational Research And Data Analytics (ICCRDA, 2020) (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1022 (1), p. 012052). Scopus Indexed.
  26. Singh Amanpreet, Kaur Amandeep and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Brief Study to Explore Trust And Security Challenges In Cloud Computing”, International Conference On Computational Research And Data Analytics (ICCRDA, 2020) (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1022 (1), p. 012039). Scopus Indexed.
  27. Kour Kanwalpreet, Gupta Deepali, Gupta Kamali and Singh Malvinder, (2021), “IoT: Systematic Review, Architecture, Applications and Dual Impact on Industries”, International Conference on Computational Research and Data Analytics (ICCRDA, 2020) (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1022 (1), p. 012053). Scopus Indexed.
  28. Sharma Sheetal, Gupta Kamali and Gupta Deepali, (2021), “Recommender System: A bibliometric analysis”, International Conference on Computational Research and Data Analytics (ICCRDA, 2020) (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1022 (1), p. 012057). Scopus Indexed.
  29. Mohan Ajay and Gupta Deepali (2021), “Trust Model For Cloud Computing System”, International Conference On Information Management & Machine Intelligence (ICIMMI-2020) (pp. 113-118). Scopus Indexed.
  30. Chauhan Harsha, Gupta Deepali, Gupta Sheifali, Kumar Devashish, (2021), “IOT based Electronic Ticket Device for Environmental Conservation using GSM Module”, International Conference On Information Management & Machine Intelligence (ICIMMI-2020) (pp. 103-111). Scopus Indexed.
  31. Latika Kakkar, Deepali Gupta, Sapna Saxena and Sarvesh Tanwar, (2021), “IoT Architectures and Its Security: A Review”, International Conference On Information Management & Machine Intelligence (ICIMMI-2020) (pp. 87-94). Scopus Indexed.
  32. Verma Vishal, Gupta Deepali and Gupta Sheifali, (2021), “IOT based Portable Vital Sign Monitoring System for Rural Area”, International Conference on Information Management & Machine Intelligence (ICIMMI-2020) (pp. 119-128). Scopus Indexed.
  33. Ramneet, Deepali Gupta, Mani Madhukar (2020), “Bibliometric Analysis of MOOC using Bibliometrix Package of R”, 6th IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (IEEE WIECON-ECE 2020) organized by Bhubaneswar, India on 26-27 Dec’2020, pp. 157-161. Scopus Indexed.
  34. Vishal Verma, Harsha Chauhan, Deepali Gupta, Sheifali Gupta (2020), “Different Convolution Neural Network Based Models for Garbage Detection: A Review”, 6th IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (IEEE WIECON-ECE 2020) organized by Bhubaneswar, India on 26-27 Dec’2020, pp. 117-121. Scopus Indexed.
  35. Mudita, Ramneet, Gupta Deepali and Gupta Kamali, (2020), “Covid-19 Infection in People with Diabetes: A Bibliometric Analysis” National Conference on Advances in Applied Science and Mathematics. Scopus Indexed.
  36. Singh Jaspreet, Duhan Bharti, Gupta Deepali and Sharma Neha (2020), Cloud Resource Management Optimization: Taxonomy and Research Challenges. In 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions)(ICRITO) (pp. 1133-1138). IEEE. Scopus Indexed.
  37. Ahlawat Deepak, Kaur Amandeep. and Gupta Deepali (2020), Enhancement of the Accuracy and QoS in Clustering of Data. In 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions)(ICRITO) (pp. 849-853). IEEE. Scopus Indexed.
  38. Gupta Sheifali, Gupta Deepali and Sharma Sarang (2019), “Electronic Control System for Energy Saving in Elevator”, in IEEE 2nd International Conference on ” Power Energy, Environment and Intelligent Control”, organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Greater Noida campus, PEEIC 2019, pp. 388–390. Scopus Indexed.
  39. Shrivastva Anchit, Jaggi Isha, Gupta Sheifali and Gupta Deepali (2019), “Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Machine Learning: A Review”, in IEEE 2nd International Conference on ” Power Energy, Environment and Intelligent Control”, organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Greater Noida campus, PEEIC 2019, pp. 322–326 Scopus Indexed.
  40. Narang Ashima and Gupta Deepali (2019), “A review on different security issues and challenges in Cloud Computing”, in proceedings of GUCON-2018 (IEEE), 28-29th September, pp. 121-125, 2019. ISSN: 978-1-5386-4491-1/18 IEEE DOI: 10.1109/GUCON.2018.8675099 Scopus Indexed.
  41. Gupta Deepali and Gupta Deepti (2013), “Quality Measurement of Software by Using Coupling Metrics”, in International Conference on Emerging trends in engineering and technology, kurukshetra on October 25-27, 2013.
  42. Gupta Deepali and Goyal Divya (2013), “An Effective GPSR Protocol to Identify Path Accidental VANET Scenario”, in International Conference on Emerging trends in engineering and technology, kurukshetra on October 25-27, 2013.
  43. Kumar Rakesh and Gupta Deepali (2013), “A Heuristic Based Review on MOOD Metrics”, in International Conference on Emerging trends in engineering and technology, kurukshetra in Association of Computer Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE), IDES, USA, page 745-749, 25-27 October 2013.
  44. Kumar Rakesh and Gupta Deepali (2010), “Role of Heuristics in Software Engineering ”, in International Conference on Next Generation Communication and Computing Systems , Chandigarh on December 25-26, 2010.
  45. Kumar Rakesh and Gupta Deepali (2010), “A Conceptual Framework of Software Metrics”, in International Conference on Emerging trends in engineering and technology, kurukshetra on October 14-16, 2010.
  46. Gupta Deepali and Gupta Pooja (2010), “Network Security: Policies and Guidelines for Effective Network Management”, in International Conference on Emerging trends in engineering and technology, Kurukshetra on October 14-16, 2010.
  47. Gupta Deepali (2009), “Modeling of Software Systems”, in National Conference on Emerging trends in communication, SVIET, Patiala on Feb, 20-21, 2009.
  48. Gupta Deepali and Singh Parvinder (2008), “A Neural Network Approach to Prediction of Fault-Prone Software Modules”, in National conference on National Conference on Machine Intelligence at HEC, Jagadhri on 22-23 Aug, 2008.
  49. Gupta Deepali, Brar Amanpreet and Singh Parvinder (2008), “Modeling of Fault Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques”, Proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Challenges & Opportunities in Information Technology (COIT-2008) RIMT-IET, Mandi Gobindgarh. March 29, 2008.
  50. Gupta Deepali and Gupta Raman (2008),” Application of Machine Learning and Neural Network Techniques for Predicting Software Faults”, in National conference at NITTTR, Chandigarh from Mar 19-20, 2008.
  51. Presented a paper on, “Engineers: The Real Agents of Change”, on Engineers day i.e 15, Sep, 2008 at GIMT, Kurukshetra organized by Institution of Engineers, India.
  52. Gupta Deepali, and Gupta Raman (2008), “Faults in Software Data”, in International Conference on Data Management at Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad on Feb 25, 2008.
  53. Gupta Deepali, Garg Savita and Garg Atul (2008), “Bioinformatics”, in International Conference on Data Management at Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad on Feb 25, 2008.
  54. Gupta Deepali, Gupta Raman, Gupta Himanshu (2008), “Futuristic trends in mechatronics”, in National conference on applications of mechanical engineering for 21st century, at Appejay College of Engineering, Sohana, Gurgaon.
  55. Gupta Deepali (2007), “Mechatronics: Impacts and Trends”, in 1st National conference on Futuristic trends in Engineering and Technology, Sirsa on 28-29 Jan, 2008.
  56. Gupta Deepali (2007), “Faults Prediction in software Systems”, in National level seminar on robotics and automation at NC College of Engineering and Technology, Israna, Panipat on 30-31 Mar, 2007.
  57. Gupta Deepali (2007), “An explanatory analysis of Software Metrics”, in National level seminar on robotics and automation at NC College of Engineering and Technology, Israna, Panipat on 30-31 Mar, 2007.

Book Published:

  1. Applied Aspects of Educational Technology published by S. Chand & Co. Ltd., ISBN: 8121940273, 2012.
  2. “Fog Computing and its Security Challenge”, Book Chapter by Taylor and Francis.
  3. A Review on Supervised Architectures and their Applications to Decision Support Systems in the Medical Field in Smart Computational Intelligence in Biomedical and Health Informatics, CRC Press, 2021.
  4. A Walkthrough in Live Migration Strategies for Energy-Aware Resource Management in Cloud in EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71756-8_16.
  5. NIDS Based on Penalty Reward & Fuzzy K-Closet by Weser books, ISBN: 978-3-96492-290-8, 2021.

 Association with Journals:

  1. Reviewer of Chitkara University Doctoral Consortium – 2019 in Chitkara University, Rajpura, May 17-18, 2019.
  2. Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology.
  3. Reviewer of International Journal of Computers and Technology.
  4. Reviewer of Hindawi journals.
  5. Honorary Peer Reviewer of Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology (GJCST).
  6. Editorial Board Member of Journal of Web Development and Web Designing (Volume 2 Issue 3).
  7. Editorial Board Member of Journal of Information Technology and Sciences (Volume 3, Issue 3) (MAT Journals).
  8. Editorial Board Member of Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing ​ (Volume 3, Issue 3).
  9. Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology.
  10. Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research (IJCIR).
  11. Editor-in-chief of MMU Journal of Management and Technology from 26.11.2018 to 20.02.2019.
  12. Editorial Board member of International Journal of Robotics and Automation Technology – EBM.
  13. Reviewer of International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (IJRQEH), IGI Global.