The present disclosure relates to a mattress system to assist in postural drainage5 that includes a plurality of inflatable chambers that can be inflated with thehelp of a pneumatic unit having a plurality of conduit means connecting to thechambers at one end and the inflation pumps at the other end. The chamberscan include a head section, a chest section, and a lower body section. The chestsection further has two vertical inflatable chambers wherein at least two right10 resilient lobes and three left resilient lobes are provided, the five lobesdesigned in such a way that they mimic the shapes of the lobes of lungs. Theinflation and deflation of any or a combination of the inflation chambers causeloosening of excess secretion which is further eliminated through posturaldrainage method.


Shikha Thakur, Kirandeep Kaur

Patent File Number - 202011048592        Patent File Date - 06/11/2020