A system 100 for accommodating and monitoring pets is disclosed. The disclosed5 system 100 includes a pet house 102 that includes a housing to accommodate apet. The housing includes at least one actuator 106 configured with the at least onedoor 104 of the housing. The housing includes a first set of sensors 110-1 forcapturing biometric attributes of the pet, a second set of sensors 110-2 fordetecting anatomical movement attributes of the pet in the housing, and a third set10 of sensors 110-3 for detecting one or more environmental parameters in thehousing and correspondingly opens the door, or transmits an alert to the one ormore mobile computing devices regarding health of the pet and environment inthe housing, when at least one of the anatomical movement attributes or at leastone of the one or more environmental parameters reaches beyond a predefined15 limit.


Tarandeep Kaur, Arshdeep Singh, Sarvesh Tanwar

Patent File Number - 202011049180        Patent File Date - 11/11/2020