The present disclosure discloses a reusable adsorbent pad 100 comprising: a first5 layer 102 comprising a plurality of pores extended along a first top end and a firstbottom end of said layer 102, wherein the first layer 102 may be made up of anti-microbial material and configured to adsorb moisture and kill microbes present inthe adsorbed moisture; and a second layer 104 made up of aromatic material,wherein a second top end of the second layer 104 is placed in tandem with the10 first bottom end of the first layer 102.


Adhish Singh, Tarandeep Kaur Bhatia, Neha Sharma, Ankit Rai Dogra, Mir Salim Ul Islam

Patent File Number - 202011048390        Patent File Date - 05/11/2020