The present disclosure relates to an apparatus (100) for reusing air, the apparatus5 includes a blower unit (104) configured in the apparatus to circulate air, a vortextube (102) configured to receive air from the blower unit (104) to produce hot airand cold air, a first end of the vortex tube (102) coupled to a pipe (122) of acompressor (116) to compress the received air from the blower unit, wherein, thecold air produced from the vortex tube (102) is delivered to indoor space through a10 first outlet (118) of the vortex tube; and thermoelectric cells (110) in a generator(106) coupled to a second outlet (120) of the vortex tube, wherein the hot airproduced from the vortex tube (102) is delivered to the thermoelectric cells (110)to generate electricity.


Puneet Bawa, Gulshan Dhillon, Pranav, Jashanpreet Kaur

Patent File Number - 202111029659        Patent File Date - 01/07/2021