The present disclosure pertains to a locking assembly for one or more electronic5 devices. The assembly includes a first elongate member (104), and the secondelongate member (106), where the first elongate member (104), and the secondelongate member (106) is attached perpendicularly, and facilitates providingsupport to the electronic devices from all sides, top surface, and bottom surface.Each of the elongate members (104), (106) includes a plurality of clutches which10 facilitates movement of the first elongate member (104), and the second elongatemember (106) to lock the assembly, a flat bar configured with the second elongatemember (106), where the flat bar enables locking with the at least one of theclutches and a first set of cavities , a second set of cavities configured with thesecond elongate member (106) that enables passing of an elongated bar attached15 to the first elongate member and lock the assembly (100) using a set of lockingmeans.
Rajesh Kumar Kaushal, Naveen Kumar, Surya Narayan Panda, Simranjeet Singh