The present disclosure pertains to alerting device for one or more fluids5 consumption. The device 100 includes a housing to receive and accommodate theone or more fluids, a first set of sensors 106 configured to detect fluidic attributesof the one or more fluids inside the housing and correspondingly generate a firstset of signals, a second set of sensors 108 configured to detect spectral attributesof the one or more fluids and correspondingly generate a second set of signals, a10 processing unit 110 operatively coupled with the first set of sensors 106, and thesecond set of sensors 108, and configured to generate a set of alert signals when atleast one of fluidic attributes along with quantitative, analytical and chemicalattributes associated with first set of signals and the second set of signals isbeyond the predefined limit after comparison of the fluidic attributes along with15 the quantitative, analytical and chemical attributes with predefined limits.


Vaishali Bhatia, Ramkumar Ketti Ramachandran

Patent File Number - 202011036302        Patent File Date - 24/08/2020