
Details of publications by Faculty members of Chitkara University, Punjab

Journals Year - 2024

Exploring the performance of biocatalysts for biohydrogen production

Journal Name    Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Pandit C., Kumar M., Chander Kuhad R., Sharma K., Roy A., Shukla R., Pandit S., Ranjan N., Mishra S.K., Prasad R.
School/College Name    Centre of Research Impact and Outcome,Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CRIO
DOI Number    10.1016/j.bcab.2024.103290

A Systematic Literature Review on Swarm Intelligence Based Intrusion Detection System: Past, Present and Future

Journal Name    Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Reddy D.K.K., Nayak J., Behera H.S., Shanmuganathan V., Viriyasitavat W., Dhiman G.
School/College Name    Centre of Research Impact and Outcome,Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CRIO
DOI Number    10.1007/s11831-023-10059-2

A Systematic Survey on Implementation of Fuzzy Regression Models for Real Life Applications

Journal Name    Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Khan M., Kumar R., Aledaily A.N., Kariri E., Viriyasitavat W., Yadav K., Dhiman G., Kaur A., Sharma A., Vimal S.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1007/s11831-023-09978-x

Deep learning for ancient scripts recognition: A CapsNet-LSTM based approach

Journal Name    Alexandria Engineering Journal
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Moudgil A., Singh S., Rani S., Shabaz M., Alsubai S.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1016/j.aej.2024.06.007

A Systematic Review of Waste Management Solutions Using Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Blockchain Technologies: State-of-Art, Methodologies, and Challenges

Journal Name    Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Singh S., Chhabra R., Arora J.
School/College Name    Chitkara University, Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1007/s11831-023-10008-z

Enhancing privacy and security in IoT-based smart grid system using encryption-based fog computing

Journal Name    Alexandria Engineering Journal
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Shruti, Rani S., Shabaz M., Dutta A.K., Ahmed E.A.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1016/j.aej.2024.05.085

An explainable transfer learning framework for multi-classification of lung diseases in chest X-rays

Journal Name    Alexandria Engineering Journal
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Patel A.N., Murugan R., Srivastava G., Maddikunta P.K.R., Yenduri G., Gadekallu T.R., Chengoden R.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1016/j.aej.2024.04.072

Accelerated in-vivo infected dermal wound healing with antimicrobial Bio-nanocomposite hydrogel

Journal Name    Alexandria Engineering Journal
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Sharma P., Sharma S., Soleimani M.Z., Paiva-Santos A.C., Nejaddehbashi F., Kumar A., Makvandi P., Xu Y.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1016/j.aej.2023.12.059

A parametric study with experimental investigations of expanded graphite on performance measure of EDM process of Ni55.8Ti SMA

Journal Name    Alexandria Engineering Journal
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Chaudhari R., Rehman I.U., Khanna S., Patel V.K., Vora J., Prakash C., Campilho R.D.S.G., Al-Sharif M.S., Ali E., Ghoneim S.S.M.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1016/j.aej.2023.12.013

Progress in translating bioinorganic nanoplatform discoveries into clinical lung cancer care: Overcoming limitations, targeted drug delivery and imaging

Journal Name    Alexandria Engineering Journal
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Jin X., Heidari G., Nezhad S.M., Shao M., Hua Z., Lei Y., Zare E.N., Paiva-Santos A.C., Sillanpää M., Prakash C., Rabiee N., Sharifi E., Wu A., Xu Y.
School/College Name    Centre of Research Impact and Outcome,Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CRIO
DOI Number    10.1016/j.aej.2024.04.074
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