
Details of publications by Faculty members of Chitkara University, Punjab

Journals Year - 2024

Modeling of Schottky diode and optimal matching circuit design for low power RF energy harvesting

Journal Name    Heliyon
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Reddaf A., Boudjerda M., Bouchachi I., Babes B., Elrashidi A., AboRas K.M., Ali E., Ghoneim S.S.M., Elsisi M.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e27792

Sustainable grain production growth of farmland–A role of agricultural socialized services

Journal Name    Heliyon
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Wu A., Elahi E., Cao F., Yusuf M., Abro M.I.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e26755

Social proof: empowering social commerce through social validation

Journal Name    Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Patwa N., Gupta M., Mittal A.
School/College Name    Chitkara Business School
Department Name    CBS
DOI Number    10.1108/GKMC-06-2023-0188

Modeling the influence of online communities and social commerce

Journal Name    Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Patwa N., Gupta M., Mittal A.
School/College Name    Chitkara Business School
Department Name    CBS
DOI Number    10.1108/GKMC-01-2023-0014

The interplay between psychological empowerment and employee engagement: identifying research trends using SPAR-4-SLR process

Journal Name    Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Kaul N., Deshpande A., Mittal A., Raut R., Bhandari H.
School/College Name    Chitkara Business School
Department Name    CBS
DOI Number    10.1108/GKMC-09-2023-0322

Comparative assessment of amine-based absorption and calcium looping techniques for optimizing energy efficiency in post-combustion carbon capture

Journal Name    Global Nest Journal
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Rao G.V., Pachamuthu S., Dhairiyasamy R., Rajendran S.
School/College Name    Centre of Research Impact and Outcome,Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CRIO
DOI Number    10.30955/gnj.006064

A Novel Cross-SVM Framework for Wheat Rust Disease Recognition through Multimodal Fusion of Images, Mask R-CNN, and DenseNet

Journal Name    GMSARN International Journal
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Kumar D., Kukreja V.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET

Heritage Conservation Through AI: Caves Object Recognition in Monuments Using STYLE GAN and Faster RCNN Object Detector

Journal Name    GMSARN International Journal
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Kumar D., Kukreja V.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET

Green synthesis and studies on citrus medica leaf extract-mediated Au-ZnO nanocomposites: A sustainable approach for efficient photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B dye in aqueous media

Journal Name    Green Processing and Synthesis
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Ibrahim T., Ali L.H., Muslim W.A., Salem K.H., Mohammed K.A., Zabibah R.S., Alkhafaji M.A., Khudair Z.F., Sharma S., Makki E., Abbas M.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1515/gps-2023-0199

Cross-cultural food practices and nutrition seeking behaviors among pregnant and postpartum Indian women living in Australia

Journal Name    Health Care for Women International
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    McKay F.H., Vo M., George N.A., John P., Kaushal J., van der Pligt P.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1080/07399332.2024.2303518
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