
Details of publications by Faculty members of Chitkara University, Punjab

Journals Year - 2024

A novel deep learning change detection approach for estimating spatiotemporal crop field variations from Sentinel-2 imagery

Journal Name    Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Dahiya N., Singh G., Gupta D.K., Kalogeropoulos K., Detsikas S.E., Petropoulos G.P., Singh S., Sood V.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1016/j.rsase.2024.101259

Improved solar-thermal heat exchanger for space heating with surface roughness: A numerical parametric investigation and its optimization

Journal Name    Renewable Energy
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Kumar R.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1016/j.renene.2024.120349

Assessing and prioritizing biogas energy barriers: A sustainable roadmap for energy security

Journal Name    Renewable Energy
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Feng Y., Shoaib M., Akram R., Alnafrah I., Ai F., Irfan M.
School/College Name    Centre of Research Impact and Outcome,Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CRIO
DOI Number    10.1016/j.renene.2024.120053

Developing a predictive machine learning model and a kinetic model for the bioremediation of terrestrial diesel spills

Journal Name    Results in Engineering
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Maluleka K., Roopchund R., Seedat N., Sillanpää M.
School/College Name    Centre of Research Impact and Outcome
Department Name    CRIO
DOI Number    10.1016/j.rineng.2024.102378

Unfolding the potential of nanocomposites as drug carriers and their future scenarios

Journal Name    Polymer Bulletin
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Gupta M., Bala R., Madaan R., Chauhan S., Chawla R., Kaur J., Sharifi-Rad J., Calina D.
School/College Name    Chitkara College of Pharmacy
Department Name    CCP
DOI Number    10.1007/s00289-023-04987-z

Multi-Band Notched Circular Polarized MIMO Antenna for Ultra-Wideband Applications

Journal Name    Progress In Electromagnetics Research M
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Thakur E., Jaglan N., Gupta A., Al-Gburi A.J.A.
School/College Name    Department of Interdisciplinary Courses of Engineering Chitkara Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Department Name    DICE
DOI Number    10.2528/PIERM24012804

Equisetum arvense and nano zinc oxide-infused polycaprolactone scaffolds: A multifaceted approach for antibacterial, antioxidant, and hemocompatible wound dressing

Journal Name    Polymer Engineering and Science
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Chinijani T.H., Afza S., Yousefiasl S., Manoochehri H., Pourmotabed S., Arabestani M., Makvandi P., Sharifi E., Esfahani H.
School/College Name    Centre of Research Impact and Outcome,Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CRIO
DOI Number    10.1002/pen.26754

Impact on generation and recombination rate in Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) solar cell for Ag2S and In2Se3 buffer layers with CuSbS2 back surface field layer

Journal Name    Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Chauhan P., Agarwal S., Srivastava V., Maurya S., Hossain M.K., Madan J., Yadav R.K., Lohia P., Dwivedi D.K., Alothman A.A.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1002/pip.3743

State-of-the-Art on Advancements in Carbon–Phenolic and Carbon–Elastomeric Ablatives

Journal Name    Polymers
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Kumar A., Ranjan C., Kumar K., Reddy M.H., Babu B.S., Katiyar J.K.
School/College Name    Centre of Research Impact and Outcome,Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CRIO
DOI Number    10.3390/polym16111461

Unraveling the Essence of Entrepreneurship Education in Hospitality and Tourism: A Qualitative Exploration of Indian Entrepreneurs’ Insights

Journal Name    Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management
Year of Publication    2024
Authors Name    Sharma M.K., Ramaprasad B.S., Jamwal M., Phadke R., Nidhisha H.
School/College Name    Chitkara Business School
Department Name    CBS
DOI Number    10.17010/pijom/2024/v17i3/173363
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