
Details of publications by Faculty members of Chitkara University, Punjab

Journals Year - 2023

Brand personification through celebrity ambassador: a study to investigate the impact on consumer attitude and loyalty

Journal Name    International Journal of Business Excellence
Year of Publication    2023
Authors Name    Nagpal E., Mundi H.S., Singh A.
School/College Name    Chitkara Business School
Department Name    CBS
DOI Number    10.1504/IJBEX.2023.133493

Customer switching behaviour in Indian retail banking using logit regression

Journal Name    International Journal of Business Excellence
Year of Publication    2023
Authors Name    Mehta K., Sharma R., Khanna V.
School/College Name    Chitkara Business School
Department Name    CBS
DOI Number    10.1504/IJBEX.2023.130255

Machine learning approach for data analysis and predicting coronavirus using COVID-19 India dataset

Journal Name    International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining
Year of Publication    2023
Authors Name    Singh S., Ramkumar K.R., Kukkar A.
School/College Name    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Department Name    DCSE
DOI Number    10.1504/IJBIDM.2024.135126

Deep learning based on multimedia encoding to enhance video quality

Journal Name    International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems
Year of Publication    2023
Authors Name    Challa N.P., Shanmuganathan C., Shobana M., Deepthi C.V.S., Bharathiraja N.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1504/IJCNDS.2023.133160

UAV-SHUTTLE-MMM: UAV-shuttle-enabled mobility management model in sparsely deployed flying ad hoc networks

Journal Name    International Journal of Communication Systems
Year of Publication    2023
Authors Name    Agrawal J., Kapoor M.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1002/dac.5653

Performance analysis of groundwater quality index models for predicting water district in Tamil Nadu using regression techniques

Journal Name    International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering
Year of Publication    2023
Authors Name    Mary A.X., Sharma B., Johnson I., Chalmers J., Karthik C., Chowdhury S.
School/College Name    Chitkara University, Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1142/S2047684123500483

A secure and effective diffused framework for intelligent routing in transportation systems

Journal Name    International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
Year of Publication    2023
Authors Name    Bharathiraja N., Shobana M., Anand M.V., Lathamanju R., Shanmuganathan C., Arulkumar V.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1504/IJCAT.2023.132405

The Role of Artificial Intelligence Constructs of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease-Of-Use Towards Satisfaction and Trust, Which Influence Consumers’ Loyalty and Repurchase Intention of Sports Shoes in India

Journal Name    International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications
Year of Publication    2023
Authors Name    Malhan S., Mewafarosh R., Agnihotri S.
School/College Name    Chitkara Business School
Department Name    CBS

A study of levels of language of private FM radio stations and their communication management

Journal Name    International Journal of Business and Globalisation
Year of Publication    2023
Authors Name    Garg P., Mishra A.
School/College Name    Chitkara School of Mass Communication
Department Name    CSMC
DOI Number    10.1504/IJBG.2023.134936

Whistle blowing of corporate frauds in India

Journal Name    International Journal of Business and Globalisation
Year of Publication    2023
Authors Name    Saluja S., Sandhu N.
School/College Name    Chitkara Business School
Department Name    CBS
DOI Number    10.1504/IJBG.2023.134940
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