Journal Name Computing Year of Publication 2022 Authors Name Mittal S., Dudeja R.K., Bali R.S., Aujla G.S. School/College Name Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name CUIET DOI Number10.1007/s00607-022-01119-9
Journal Name Antioxidants Year of Publication 2022 Authors Name Sharma V., Gautam D.N.S., Radu A.-F., Behl T., Bungau S.G., Vesa C.M. School/College Name Chitkara College of Pharmacy
Department Name CCP DOI Number10.3390/antiox11071359
Journal Name Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Year of Publication 2022 Authors Name Kushwah A.S., Mittal R., Kumar M., Kaur G., Goel P., Sharma R.K., Kabra A., Nainwal L.M. School/College Name Chitkara College of Pharmacy
Department Name CCP DOI Number10.1155/2022/6874281
Journal Name Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Year of Publication 2022 Authors Name Kaushal C., Islam M.K., Althubiti S.A., Alenezi F., Mansour R.F. School/College Name Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name CUIET DOI Number10.1155/2022/7935346
Journal Name Molecules Year of Publication 2022 Authors Name Behl T., Gupta A., Albratty M., Najmi A., Meraya A.M., Alhazmi H.A., Anwer M.K., Bhatia S., Bungau S.G. School/College Name Chitkara College of Pharmacy
Department Name CCP DOI Number10.3390/molecules27185851
Journal Name Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Year of Publication 2022 Authors Name Sharma R.K., Bibi S., Chopra H., Khan M.S., Aggarwal N., Singh I., Ahmad S.U., Hasan M.M., Moustafa M., Al-Shehri M., Alshehri A., Kabra A. School/College Name Chitkara College of Pharmacy
Department Name CCP DOI Number10.1155/2022/3290790
Journal Name Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering Year of Publication 2022 Authors Name Aneja M., Sharma S. School/College Name Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name CUIET DOI Number10.1007/s13369-022-07257-8
Journal Name Diagnostics Year of Publication 2022 Authors Name Sharma S., Gupta S., Gupta D., Altameem A., Saudagar A.K.J., Poonia R.C., Nayak S.R. School/College Name Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name CUIET DOI Number10.3390/diagnostics12081833
Journal Name International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) Year of Publication 2022 Authors Name Lamba S., Baliyan A., Kukreja V. School/College Name Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name CUIET DOI Number10.1007/s41870-022-01094-6
Journal Name Electronics (Switzerland) Year of Publication 2022 Authors Name Rana A., Taneja A., Saluja N., Rani S., Singh A., Alharithi F.S., Aldossary S.M. School/College Name Chitkara Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name CUIET DOI Number10.3390/electronics11162569