
Details of publications by Faculty members of Chitkara University, Punjab

Journals Year - 2013

Synthesis and characterization of some new twin drugs having substituted pyridines

Journal Name    Der Pharma Chemica
Year of Publication    2013
Authors Name    Babbar R., Pathak D.P.
School/College Name    Chitkara College of Pharmacy, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Department Name    CCP

Applications of blogging in problem based learning

Journal Name    Education and Information Technologies
Year of Publication    2013
Authors Name    Chhabra R., Sharma V.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1007/s10639-011-9168-6

Non-collective states in 122Te

Journal Name    European Physical Journal A
Year of Publication    2013
Authors Name    Nag S., Singh P., Selvakumar K., Singh A.K., Bisoi A., Goswami A., Bhattacharya S., Kumar S., Singh K., Sethi J., Saha S., Trivedi T., Jadhav S.V., Donthi R., Naidu B.S., Palit R.
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Department Name    CUIET
DOI Number    10.1140/epja/i2013-13145-1

Heterocyclic chalcone analogues as potential anticancer agents

Journal Name    Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry
Year of Publication    2013
Authors Name    Sharma V., Kumar V., Kumar P.
School/College Name    Chitkara College of Pharmacy, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Department Name    CCP
DOI Number    10.2174/1871520611313030006

Free radical scavenging and antioxidant potential of Ficus lacor buch. hum

Journal Name    Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research
Year of Publication    2013
Authors Name    Sindhu R.K., Arora S.
School/College Name    Chitkara College of Pharmacy, Chitkara University, Punjab, India
Department Name    CCP
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