Hardware Implementation of Network security with Field Programmable Gate Array

Broad domain – Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics Engineering

Focused domain – FPGA, Number TheoryAbstract

1. Number Theory Basic concepts

2. Security Standards and Algorithms

3. Polynomials and Key Management

4. Cryptanalysis

5. Introduction to Hardware implementation of Network Security algorithms

6. Introduction to FPGA

7. ASIC Design Flow

8. Designing of VHDL/Verilog Code for Network Security Algorithm

9. Simulation of Code on ISE Project Navigator (Xilinx Software)

10. Hardware implementation of code on Artix-7 FPGA kit

No. of intern positions available in the project – 3

Principal Investigator:

Dr K.R. Ramkumar

Funding- Internal        Project Start Date - 01/11/2017