
CURIN Publications has always ensured the unlimited world of knowledge for everybody who wants to get drenched in the pool of acquaintance. In order to chase the vision and mission of the University of exploring new fields and new modes of inquiry, we are committed to the edges and frontiers of the world of academia. We are a major publishing presence in fields as diverse as architecture, social theory, cognitive science, and computational science, and we have a long-term commitment to both design excellence and the efficient and creative use of new technologies

Conferences Year - 2023

Career Transition of Baby Boomers Post Retirement: A Phenomenological Study

Conference Name    AIP Conference Proceedings
Author's Name    Chopade P., Gupta K., Deshpande A., Mittal A.
Year of Publication    2023
School/College Name    Chitkara Business School
Department Name    CBS

Analyzing the Impact of Fog on Wireless Propagation using Different Attenuation Models

Conference Name    AIP Conference Proceedings
Author's Name    Monga S., Taneja A., Saluja N., Garg R., Singh N.
Year of Publication    2023
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET

A Review on Autism Detection Based on Eye Movement and Facial Expressions

Conference Name    AIP Conference Proceedings
Author's Name    Sharma D., Singh J., Sharma B.
Year of Publication    2023
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Department Name    CUIET

Classification and Detection of Diabetic Eye Diseases using Deep Learning: A Review and Comparative Analysis

Conference Name    AIP Conference Proceedings
Author's Name    Gulati S., Guleria K., Goyal N.
Year of Publication    2023
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET

Use of Machine Learning Techniques in Tea Crop Yield Prediction: An Analytical Review

Conference Name    AIP Conference Proceedings
Author's Name    Nagpal P., Chaudhary D., Singh J.
Year of Publication    2023
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET

A Systematic Literature Review on Sustainable Development: Emergence of Sustainable Mobility for Global Ecology

Conference Name    AIP Conference Proceedings
Author's Name    Tolani K., Manohar S., Jhamb D., Mittal A.
Year of Publication    2023
School/College Name    Chitkara Business School
Department Name    CBS

Cosine Elastic Cluster Scheduling Algorithm for VM Migration in Cloud Computing

Conference Name    AIP Conference Proceedings
Author's Name    Kaur A., Kumar S.
Year of Publication    2023
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET

Detection of Cyber Attacks by using Gray Wolf Optimizer

Conference Name    Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Communication, IoT and Security, ICISCoIS 2023
Author's Name    Srivastava D., Hooda S., Gill R., Singla C.
Year of Publication    2023
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET

Stock Price Prediction By Applying Machine Learning Techniques

Conference Name    2023 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics, ESCI 2023
Author's Name    Ahuja R., Kumar Y., Goyal S., Kaur S., Sachdeva R.K., Solanki V.
Year of Publication    2023
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET

Cryptography based Network Security Analysis using Secure Hashed Identity Message Authentication

Conference Name    2023 IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems, ICICACS 2023
Author's Name    Pandey S., Lahoti S.
Year of Publication    2023
School/College Name    Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology
Department Name    CUIET
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