Openings at CURIN

Job-openings at CURIN

(Please Note: Since we have multiple openings, you may scroll down to visualize all the openings at CURIN, and for further queries write to us at



(Confer degrees as per the Sections 2(f) and 22(1) of the UGC Act, 1956, and is ‘A+’ Grade NAAC Accredited)



Advertisement for JRF Position (01) under SERB-INAE Online and Digital Gaming Research Initiative, Category (I): R&D in Learning, Educational, and Leisure Online Gaming Platforms; Applications are invited for one post of “Junior Research Fellow” under the SERB-INAE funded research project entitled, “Ed-Immerse: Integration of Immersive technology in STEM Education” vide sanction no. 2023/DGRI/Cat-1/02 and sanctioned to Dr. Deepti Prit Kaur, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering (PI), Chitkara University Institute of Engineering & Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab and Dr Amit Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering (Co-PI), Chitkara University, Punjab. The duration of the project is for two years. Interested candidates may share the CV with the PI ( and Co-PI ( on or before 22.01.2024. Only selected candidates will be called for the interview at Chitkara University on a scheduled date and time that will be emailed to the candidates.


Qualification: M.E./M.Tech./MSc. in Electronics /Computer Science Engineering/ Electronics and Communication Engineering/ Game Design/ other relevant or allied branch/subjects. A valid GATE or CSIR/UGC-NET qualification is desirable.

Age limit: The upper age limit is 35 years on the last date of application with age relaxation as per Govt. Rules.

Nature & Period of Post: Appointment as JRF initially for one year with a possibility of extension for a second year. The Extension is subject to satisfactory performance and till the duration of the project. Fellowship: Rs. 31,000/- + 5580 (18% HRA) = Rs. 36580/- per month according to terms and conditions as per the rules. Of SERB and INAE, Govt. of India.

Terms and conditions:

  1. The above position is purely contractual and is for the duration of the project only. Selected candidates will not be entitled to claim any regular appointments/absorption in this institute.
  2. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
(Dr. Deepti Prit Kaur)

PI SERB-INAE project,


(Dr Amit Kumar)

Co-PI SERB-INAE project,





Advertisement for the appointment of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

JRF Notification 2023 in DRDO project is open at Chitkara University, Punjab (Advt. No. CURIN/Advt./2022/04, dated 3rd October 2023) and applications are invited for one Junior Research Fellow post on contractual basis.

Name of the Post Qualification Desirable experience
Junior Research Fellow (JRF) -1 MTech. Chemical Engineering (Organic Chemistry)

M.Sc. Chemistry (Organic Chemistry)

-NET/GATE qualified will be preferred

1.     A good knowledge and experience in

organic/in-organic synthesis chemistry

2.     Experience in Carbon based composite


3.     Good knowledge in Electro-Chemistry,

synthesis of the organic compounds

Age                              Maximum of 28 years on last date of receipt of application

                                     relaxation by 5 years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC candidates

Monthly                        Rs.31000/- plus HRA admissible as per prevailing rules.


Tenure                          Initially for a period of one year (extendable as per

                                      project rules)

  • Application in the prescribed proforma (Annexure I) along with scanned copies of all required certificates and degrees should be sent by candidates by E-mail.
  • Short-listed candidates will be called for online/offline interview as per schedule intimated via E-mail /SMS
  • Candidates working in Govt. /Public Sector undertaking/Autonomous Bodies should have NOC at the time of interview.
  • The selection through interview will be purely provisional and subject to verification of documents and original certificates. The candidature will be rejected if any mismatch/canvassing is noticed at any stage regarding qualification, or non-fulfilment of any specified criteria at the time of joining.
  • The positions are purely on temporary basis. The offer of fellowship will not confer any right for regular appointment/absorption in DRDO/Chitkara University. The period of fellowship will not count for the purpose of seniority or other Govt. benefit in DRDO in case of appointment at a later date.
  • The fellowship may be terminated at any time during the tenure with a prior notice of one month.


  1. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview/joining.
  2. No. Govt. accommodation/ Chitkara University accommodation will be provided to the candidates.

Download Annexure 1


  1. Advertisement for the appointment of Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

JRF Notification 2023 in DRDO project is open at Chitkara University, Punjab (Advt. No. PVC/2023/ADVT/101, dated 30th August 2023) and applications are invited for one Junior Research Fellow post on a contractual basis.

  • B Tech / BE in computer science/electronics with GATE


  •  M Tech / ME in computer science/electronics
Emoluments Rs. 31,000/- per month + 9% HRA (Gross Amount Rs. 33,790/-)

Likely to be revised to gross amount of Rs. 40,330/- shortly.

Upper Age Limit 28 years
Duration One year or co-terminus with the project, in case project extends
  • A thorough understanding of machine vision concepts image segmentation, feature extraction, object recognition, and classification.
  • Proficiency in image processing libraries such as OpenCV and TensorFlow would also be required.
  • Strong programming skills in languages such as Python would be required. Familiarity with development environments such as Visual Studio or Eclipse would also be beneficial.
  • Experience on a Web Framework like React, Angular or Djgo etc.
  • Understanding of Deployment of AI models on Web servers
  • Knowledge of Integration of applications with MongDB/ MySQL
  • Familiarity with PLC programming and control systems design
  • Understanding of Networking Protocols, IP addressing, Sub netting and air-gapped networks


  • Applications along with scanned copies of all required certificates and degrees should be sent by candidates by E-mail at
  • Short-listed candidates will be called for online/offline interviews as per the schedule intimated via E-mail /SMS
  • The selection through interview will be purely provisional and subject to verification of documents and original certificates. The candidature will be rejected if any mismatch/canvassing is noticed at any stage regarding qualification, or non-fulfillment of any specified criteria at the time of joining.
  • The positions are purely on a temporary basis. The offer of fellowship will not confer any right for regular appointment/absorption in DRDO/Chitkara University. The period of fellowship will not count for the purpose of seniority or other Govt. benefit in DRDO in case of appointment at a later date.


  1. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview/joining.
  2. No. Govt. accommodation/ Chitkara University accommodation will be provided to the candidates during their employment with the university.


2. Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellows to work in a project titled “Development of High Energy Density Metal Compounds @Graphene Quantum dot Composite for Hybrid Pulse Power Device” funded by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) under the supervision of Dr. Partha Khanra, Assistant Professor – Research, Chitkara University, Punjab. Interested candidates having M.Sc. Chemistry/Physics, M.Tech. in Metallurgical Engineering / Material Science/Chemical Engineering (NET/GATE qualified preferred) can apply through online on or before 23/February/2023.

For more detailed information and application visit



3. Advertisement for 01 number of Junior Research Fellow– Contractual Recruitment

  • Inviting applications for the 01 post of Junior Research Fellow to work in a funded project titled “Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Security Framework for providing Confidentiality and Authentication to Defence Voice-Communications using Polynomials with the FPGA implementations” funded by DRDO , Directorate of Extramural Research & Intellectual Property Rights (ER&IPR) under the supervision of Dr. Ramkumar Ketti Ramachandran, Associate Professor – Research, Chitkara Univeristy ,Punjab. Interested candidates having B.Tech./B.E.(NET/GATE qualified) in CSE/ECE/EEE or M.Tech/M.E. in CSE/ECE/EEE can apply through online on or before 14/Jan/2022

    For more information and application click here

4. Advertisement for 04 number of Junior Research Fellow– Contractual Recruitment

  • (Advertisement No.: CURIN/Advt./2021/01 dt. 3rd April 2021)Inviting applications for the 02 posts of Junior Research Fellow to work in a funded project titled “Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Security Framework for providing Confidentiality and Authentication to Defence Voice-Communications using Polynomials with the FPGA implementations” funded by DRDO , Directorate of Extramural Research & Intellectual Property Rights (ER&IPR) under the supervision of Dr. Ramkumar Ketti Ramachandran, Associate Professor – Research, Chitkara Univeristy ,Punjab. Interested candidates having B.Tech./B.E.(NET/GATE qualified) in CSE/ECE/EEE or M.Tech/M.E. in CSE/ECE/EEE can apply through online on or before 30/Apr/2021 by sharing your cv at

    Further Details can be found at

  • (Advertisement No. : CURIN/Advt./2021/02 dt. 3rd April 2021) Inviting applications for the 01 post of Junior Research Fellow to work in a funded project titled “BhuGoal: A Smart Weather Monitoring System” funded by Department of Science & Technology (DST) under the supervision of Dr. Nitin Kumar Saluja, Associate Director – Research, Chitkara University, Punjab. Interested candidates having MTech/M.E. in CSE/ECE (NET/GATE qualified) can apply through online on or before 30/Apr/2021 by sharing your CV at 
  • (Advertisement No. : CURIN/Advt./2021/03 dt. 3rd April 2021) Inviting applications for the 01 post of Junior Research Fellow to work in a funded project titled “Tractor mounted integrated retrofit for on-field conversion of straw to value added powder” funded by Department of Science and Technology under the supervision of Dr. Nitin Saluja, Associate Director– Research, Chitkara University, Punjab. Interested candidates having M.Tech/M.E. in CSE/ECE/EEE (NET/GATE desirable) can apply through online on or before 30/Apr/2021 by sharing your CV at

Earn while you Learn: Opportunities at CURIN.

We are hiring Under-Graduate Interns. You may share your CV at If you have any queries write to us on

CURIN hiring interns