The present invention discloses an electronic assistive device for classroom teaching. This assists teacher to share the contents like audio, video, presentation slides, documents, exercise, demonstrations to the particular recipient. The hardware device is able to connect with android/windows based smart phones or laptops of students using the intranet. The device is smart enough to identify the target audience, it is a simple device, the operational functionalities are simple enough to be understood by anyone and it is a secured device and most importantly a wireless device. The device shares the material in a single click and is able to log all entries. It freezes the student’s device to display the teaching materials online and supports all types of content deliveries like audio/video/multimedia/text/presentations moreover, it is a cost effective device. The advantage of the device is that it is a simple device having portable Wi-Fi and one point nodal communication


Ramkumar Ketti Ramachandran, Harsh Sohal, Archana Mantri, Raman Singh

Patent File Number - 201611031193        Patent File Date - 13/09/2016